December 30, 2009

What the Candy.


School's coming back at me. All the reports and assignments that were left undone, I think I had better complete most of them. If not, then too bad for me. Hai. I will at least complete the Food Processing Journal review, Food Pack. & Preserv. Canning report, and some other homework.


Anyway, my pay for this month was pathetic enough. All because of exams, and my crappy schedule. LOL. Don't wish to think about the stuff I face at work anymore. Just makes me more confused and puzzled when I see the various sides of people.

(- .-) At least I believe I have the right to choose & make the friends I want. That's enough, and I don't think I owe people any explanation and reason why I make friends. Fug this topic.

(* o*) - Someone's getting me an Aizen Postcard!!! and K-ON's one, not to forget!

(>_<) - Someone went down to Pepper Lunch when I was working, and ate with her siblings. How nice . . .

Anyway, here's a toast to the new year in about 14 hours. . . Heehee, I'll see if I can post another post dedicated to only the celebration of the new year. So long then. *Signs off*

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