November 28, 2009

Schoolwork blues

As the title suggests, I am seriously stuck in a pile of mud. Although it's slowly clearing up, NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING can save me from 'killing' myself. In stress. Cause I've got a 30 page long Report due on Monday.

30 PAGES, WTF SHITZTZTZ!!! How am I gonna manage all that stress level?!

Even though I have got loads of information from my dear group members, I can't help but feel lost at times. It's like, looking at the vast amount of words is enough t obore me out of my ass, and then switch on FB!!! This is something my group members will NEVER UNDERSTAND.

ARRGHHHHHH! Help me somebody!!!

Not to say that I'm spastic ok... ... I just need to relieve my anger sometimes :P


1. Food Biotechnology Presentation
2. Safety and Quality Report [30 pg]
3. Food Processing Journal
4. Food Preservation Journal
5. Nutrition Science e-Tutorial [WS vitamins]
6. Safety and Quality e-Tutorial

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