July 26, 2009

Work Work Work. For the whole of Saturday and Sunday. This leaves me with completely no time for my studies and projects. Oh well, I DO need the cash for lots of wants and needs. As well as for other purposes which are preferrably unknown.

But work was fun. Even with the B.I.A.T.C.H breathing down my back about my oh-so-unique long fringe in Isetan on Saturday. Coming early about an hour didn't seem to please that old fart. Yuck, might as well not do anything in future. What a shame. AND ONCE AGAIN, DO NOT F***ing TOUCH MY PRECIOUS FRINGE YOU

Do you know after that touch, how many bottles of Dettol did I use to disinfect and sanitize and autoclave my fringe you dingbat?! Damn your filthy revolting fingers and F***face. Go rot in a swamp, and DON'T ever get near me. F*** You.
I did nothing seriously wrong, and you had to pick on me, like that thing back in Hougang a few months ago, and give me you oh-so-high-and-mighty-and-f***ing-smart-aleck-bitchy-whining-faggoty-maggoty-sublimic attitude. Don't EVER complain about my hairstyle when yours looked like a pile of cowdung with many hay stuck out of it.

Yes, IN YOUR F***FACE I AM SAYING THAT RIGHT NOW IN THIS BLOG POST. It's just a shame that people like you knows nothing about blogs, yeah? Oh So Sadddddd.....

Disgusting piece of garbage, wish you can get punched in the face, so that it'll reshape your whole freaking features. I would so love to see that. (^^) Oh yeah, don't forget about shaving your head bald if you're talking about neat. Do that, and I think you might just look slightly pleasing.

And this was the first time I rode on a scooter!!! Damn, awesome feeling that was indescribable to you all. Just the feeling of everything being detached from your body and just flying carefree on the road... ... WOW! No wonder so many people loved to ride on a bike. Now I slightly know why. Went to Great World City to have some really tasty Ban Mian during 2 hour break (by scooter of course =) ) and then worked till 11, where I went home by Scooter courtesy of Don =).

We talked about how working in Pepper Lunch seemed so similar to our little Restaurant City in Facebook. Ohhhhhooohooo~ Laughed like mad when I mentioned about it ^^

I think I am going to be so screwed for the next week. I can predict my fate. Tired and Depressed state again.

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