March 2, 2011

Fucked Up even after exams.

I want to shout out all the stuff that is still bothering my mind.

Really, it sucks. Rather than feeling happy about the fact that I am free from any fucking exams and the sickening, screwed polytechnic education, and celebrating it joyously with a heave of immense relief, I found myself still troubled and mentally loaded. Why?

Is it because of the fact that I had so MUCH to be concerned and think about up to this point. Now to calmly think about it and taking some time to find out, I really had a lot of suppressed, immense load of depressive thoughts. Too long to list. I don't even dare to begin on this post. I will reserve it for the next one. Seriously, I would've died of mental stress and become unable to sit for the 5 exam papers with mind at ease. Whew, close shave.

And one more thing. My fucking brother sucks to the very maximum it can get. He's a selfish bastard. Only comes to you like a dog when he needed help. Fuck him to the bloody maximum. He doesn't care any bit in family relations, as well as related issues. He's not worth the effort to lend him or offer him any fucking stuff at all.

God, why am I so mentally weighed down? Gosh, feel like breaking down to someone that I could confide in, Now the great confidant, who is yours truly, of all times, is seeking comfort now. Seriously amazed by how serious this situation could get.


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