As you all can see from these interesting photos I have uploaded, it says a very fun-filled trip happening from the 28th September all the way till the 1st of October. Yeah.

For the first time in my life, I have a very painful experience of boarding a flight for the first time in so many years~
And then the two groups finally met! (The ones having 5D4N and the ones having 3D2N) I am so relieved at that point in time, cause of some matters that made nearly cry + cancel the trip last minute. Oh boy, but what mattered was that I went! I went! *Inserts euphoric feel here*
Had Hotcakes w/ sausage and a nice cuppa to go along. Just the perfect pick-me-up after the 15 minute painful experience nonetheless.

Then we took a bus to the Cable car place. I took loads of self-pictures this timie round. Again, my ears suffered, and this time a bit more lesser. The ride up the mountain was cool (and more cooler breezes as it advances) and refreshing. The sensation is as though it gets more and more silent as I go up the slope. Perhaps due to the pressure change in the ears huh!

When we finally reached, we checked in to First World Hotel, after what seemed like 1-2 hours of Uno card games. Ahhhhh, nothing describes the term "Relieve" as clearer as this point of time when we finally got 2 adjoining rooms! Woots~

So we unloaded our baggage. Then after some planning and restructuring of the beds, we got a triple bed combination in one room. Cool ya!

Next was to the eatery! I had curry laksa, and it was tasty :)

The other rides were not as fun as the ones being mentioned, like the carousel (boring) and the bug ride (damn slow and damn boring). Then not before long it reached 7pm, which is the time the theme park closes. Awwww... ... but there's still indoors right!

We ate a very sumptious meal at one of the coffeeshops near the Archery place, and had a very important discussion over dinner with Boss. Jen.. .. .. poor girl, she looks like she didn't want to be in it at all. Or at least not the boss I think.

Then we proceeded back to hotel, and start preparing for the night. We watched Family Guy throughout most of the night, before everyone settled with bathing and eating and getting protected from the bitter cold. Awesome coolness from the outside air directly, which requires no aircons, and we switched off the fans to reduce the cooling effect. A sign of relieve from me and Lao Fu Zi. Nothing from Mashi. =.=||| But I seem to really shut my eyes willingly when I watch Family Guy on laptop! Even though I'm like willing to watch it. Weird, and there goes the three of them staring at me mid-sleeping in my position. Help! Stalkers of sleeping postures~

Anyway, I love sleeping out with friends, because I wake up really early for idk what freaking reason. Not being a sloth is my greatest wish, as well as a slack-it-all person. >.> I mean, when I reach home, I am soooooooooooo freaking difficult to wake up! Even a slap can't seem to work very well. But with friends, all I need is a slight tussle or tap to get me jolted awake. Weird!

Then we had breakfast the next morning, excluding Mashi. The poor bloke wants more sleeps, so we didn't tag him along with us. Wow, Loads of people are already tucked into their breakfast! I had nice rice with sambal chilli gravy, with some curry, chicken sausages, and warm milk and cereals and sunny side up and fried mee and ... ... OK shall stop here!

Then we went along for the indoor plan, since it was really foggy outside. Nice rides, but after the first ride in the motion master I start worrying. Cause I wore the motion glasses with my specs, and it sort of like, left me with this vision problem after I took them off at the end of the show. LOL! I thought it was permanent, so I kinda emo-ed for awhile, but somehow, it faded. And appeared. And faded. And appeared. And faded. This series of reappearing and fading gave me a bit of headache! But thankfully I managed to enjoy the bumper car rides at least. Cause its fun to gang up on Jen. ^.^
Then after that we went for the rides suspended on the higher levels, which was not very exciting, but still enjoyable. I took loads of candid shots of the gang, in order to qualify as the future 'Trip Photographer. Don't Kill me Don, for uploading your fantastically candid one (:O) expression. After all, it's my duty to upload every single fun moments in this blog. So yeah, don't kill me yet. And Mashi san also, DON'T KILL ME!
Mashi looks like a helpless hamster in one of the photos (carousel ride with Don and LFZ behind, handing him some chocolates), a ninja warrior when he dons on the cute hat things, and a mad man in other photos. Hahaha, how nice!

We went bowling after archery. Whoa, the archery was really straining on the hands, since you need to hold the position for quite some time to stabilize and get a shot. And what's more you need to keep enough rebound force behind the arrow, so yeah. But at least my arrows are straight. Heehee. Bowling was disastrous for me. Forgotten how to, and really embarassing for me. But thinking about it, its normal for beginners to have this kind of performances right? Hahaha. The Lovevr's Gondola ride turned into a family ride for the five of us, and that's where loads of candid shot came in. After that we went for the Ferris wheel ride. OK, despite it being really scary in terms of the speed at which it rotates, it's actually nothing. besides, Mashi made several candid shots of me up there, us being separated by cubicles. Damn. Would I love seeing them! Anyway, basically its just revolving round and round and round, but really scary heights. After that, we turned for the various arcades for a quick gaming. The gun sides, the Karaoke, and the basketball games, and the other very old-fashioned games we would have shunned back in Singapore. Looks like everybody's forced to play them yeah?!
Then after that came dinner. We had some really nice pizzas at Pizza Hut, Pepperoni and a hawaaian one if I'm not wrong. Anyway, I think I heard at least 2 times some glasswares were broken. LOL, why they hire such clumsy people? Hahaha, but I seriously think their food is DIRTY. Enough dirty to cause me diarrhoea and to Jen and Lao Fu Zi. Jen even more serious, still vomited in the middle of the night. Poor thing!
The last day of our nice little holiday really felt like the Space Shot. Accelerating every single instant, till I was like: "Oh, Wow, has one day flown away so fast?!"at the airport. The first part of the day was to get something to eat, then have a last minute check on what to buy on Genting, before we head downhill.

"Come join the party, it's a celebration (everybody just wants to)! Let's get this started, no more hesitation (cause everybody wants to party with you)!"
- Madonna:Celebration (Song)
I was thinking "how come my eardrums did not explode when I reached KL?" Cause its very painful. But the return flight was OK! I think I need to get used to this kind of pressure changes in the future. Anyway, I love the flying experience very much like I loved the Japanese culture. Slight feeling of the free-fall sensation, and boy isn't it cool. And also, I love the system of airports. So structured and everything you do seems to be predetermined by them for you. Nice!

Anyway, yeah. Reached KL safely and had breakfast at Macdonald's over Sentral. Man, the bus ride was very peaceful on the way, and not much people took the same bus Jen and I took. We took some pictures on the bus as well. It's funny how Jen looks sweet and innocent enough to be targeted at for taxi touts (Directly at the airport exit). Heehee, it's always funny to see Jen being targeted, cause I think she got targeted a second time (Bus place at the KL Sentral). OMG~

Then we proceeded to the outdoor theme park. OK, the first day it rained. So we were slightly crestfallen at the start. But not Jen. She played the Spinner immediately after I refused (due to rain). She regretted playing it in the rain after she got down. We looked around the chocolate place next to the Spinner, and saw many nice chocolates. Hehehe. Then we played Viking ship, which simply surprised me. To think that such a simple machine can produce such euphoric and weightless feeling! When you are on the way down from the high point, of course. I shouted quite a lot, cause I was totally surprised Heehee. Not just me, Don and Mashi and Jen are also shouting too +_+

Well, so much for that. We played the Corkscrew also, which was FUN! LOL, cause I got myself stuck too firmly after the ride. Cause I forced down the safety thing too hard. Even myself cannot lift it. Heehee XD! Needed the assistant's help in releasinf the grip on the safety thing before I can release myself.
Then after that we went for the rides suspended on the higher levels, which was not very exciting, but still enjoyable. I took loads of candid shots of the gang, in order to qualify as the future 'Trip Photographer. Don't Kill me Don, for uploading your fantastically candid one (:O) expression. After all, it's my duty to upload every single fun moments in this blog. So yeah, don't kill me yet. And Mashi san also, DON'T KILL ME!
Die la like that Jen~

And, we had some nice Starbuck's coffee before heading back to the room for another spamming night for Family Guy. I had Hazelnut hot chocolate, with whipped cream. But for some reason I cannot see even a bit of whipped cream when I opened it in the hotel room. Must have been dispersed, or they forgotten about the request. Nyeeeaaaaaa~
Did I mention that my 'illness' started another relapse? My cleanliness illness/ or syndrome to be better. Cause I simply cannot stand staying in a dirty environment I guess. I start my MAID mode and zoomed around the place clearing up things the guys left/ forgotten-about-it stuff / unfinished drinks/ tissues/ plastic bags, or even just the way things should be placed. OMG I am such a freaky person. In that aspect. I spray the floor everytime I finish bathing/ notice its dirty, and arranges the toiletries nicely in arrangement. OK I NEED TO STOP BEING SO PARTICULAR! Or should I heehee~

JENGA!!! I recall it as Uno stacko. Hahaha, this is a very nice game. Particularly this time round, since I cannot seem to get myself toppling the tower easily. If you get what I mean that is! Aiya, anyway I'll just say that I enjoy seeing Mashi being cursed by the Jenga bricks so much, he lost 3 times in a row!!! Followed by another 2 times, but separately.
As usual, my eyelids got so heavy they forced shut my eyes on several occasions during Family Guy. Irksome!

Oh, I just love the freaking cool weather there. How nice if Singapore has that kind of weather.

The third day descended really quickly, in a flash. again, we headed for the outdoor theme park, this time EVEN MORE FUN. Erm, as usual, when we saw the Spinner, Jen and I pestered Mashi and LFZ along, and we really did. Spinning in the fog. Really awesome ride, just like you're zooming in the clouds. Heehee. Then we proceeded with more terror rides. Oh, by the way, the first trip to the outdoor theme park I was completely frozen, since I wore like, pants instead of Jeans. I learnt better on this time round. But that helped not very much. So, we went for a nice little bumper float ride, me, LFZ and Jen.
Oh, some people can't take the ride due to certain reasons. That's sad. OH SO SAD~
And then as usual, we ganged up on Jen, this time only with LFZ. But this time round more of a impartial feel to it. Everyone just wants to bump into other people's float ain't it!!!

Then the FUN parts came. First part was enough to literally numb my insides. Yeah folks,
that was the forbidding tower of the Space Shot! I was like, totally emotionless as I strapped myself to the ride, after all the days of avoiding and fear and all that going on in my head, suddenly all that disappeared when I was just minutes away from the tragedy. I did not panic or convulse or shiver, no! And yeah, I survived it. Let me tell you the exact feeling I had.
I was sitting with dear Mashi, next to me, and then Jen was sitting with LFZ on another side. We were lifted rapidly from the ground all the way to the heavenly realms. For a brief 10-12 seconds, we were allowed to admire the great view and scenery in front of us. The nice fog, the nice hills and view of the clouds------ THEN, without any warning, all hell breaks loose, as the machine takes a vertical plunge down to the ground, accelerating your FREE-FALLING at the same time.

I was expecting myself to shout and scream as I had on the Viking ship, but the 'horrendous + shiok + fantastic + OMG WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS SHIT + WHOAAAAA + SHIT DAMN IT + NONONONONONOOOOO' feeling was too much for my mouth to be expressed! Instead I was just gaping wide, with the occasional ripple of convulsion across my lips as I felt that sensation from the insides. WHOAAAAAAA! Then it rebounds you like a piece of rubber band when it reaches a certian level, shooting you up into the sky, then accelerating your free-fall again, and again and again. Till the machine lulled into a stop. I felt like I was given a new life at that point in time.
I swore that if I had heart problems that would be my last ride on earth.
Anyway, alright. After that we managed to have surprisingly enough energy to play MORE games! We went on the Superman ride, which was less thriller as compared to the previous misnomer, the Space Shot. But still, it gave you enough impression that you were flying in the air. Only this time realize that you are laid FLAT on your tummy! Cool rides! And then I think we headed for the fruit stall near the shophouses for a quick 30 minute break for some refreshing coconut juice/ flesh. Then I went to the toilet, and after I came out, I snuck off to take some pictures with the dear poor birdies looking so pitiful in the bitter cold. They were superbly obedient, and they didn't bother me much. Kawaiiiiiii~
Now I am thinking of keeping a bird as a pet. But thinking of all the commitments I have to do really puts me off any pet-kepping seriously. I think I'll just admire them from a distance desho?
Anyway we went for the go-kart things just next to the corkscrew. OK, I saw loads of commotions. More imoportantly, the ones whereby this large group (also queueing for the ride) was goofing at the ones who finished the rides. Several times, sometimes just because the leavers seemed to have forgotten to leave the helmet in the car, they had to laugh loudly at them. Such F***tards. May they get something equally BAD and SHAMEFUL in return. OK, I saw loads of times people banging into each other when they were told to stop and park their karts at the starting line. strangely enough, many can't seem to figure out how speedy they were, thought too confidently, braked too last-minute and the tragedy strikes. Stupid, really.
OK, so we were done. Once again, 7pm hits the theme park too soon, and we went back into the indoor sides, where we really spammed the rather old-and-outdated arcades scattered round Genting. But overall, we managed to enjoy ourselves really well (Razing Storm was really the lifesaver of my day.) WE COLLECTED 2550 Tickets. Not a very impressive feat (causw we saw more people spamming seriously triple the amount we collected = 6000 plus =.=) but at least all of us enjoyed the mini process of accumulation.
Damn, this post keeps going on and on and on. Ans so it shall. Takes days to actually write, edit, upload and customize it, so cherish the thought!
I redeemed the brown bear with the black dotted ribbon!!! Jen redeemed the white one, and LFZ got some kind of teapot for IDK which Aunty back in Pepper Lunch. DonDon got loads of small 'barang barang' for IDK maybe her staff I think? Mashi ... ... we got him something instead of him choosing. LOL.
After our arcade session, we headed for some dinner at KFC. Like, FINALLY something familiar back at Singapore. But then still the KFC at M'Sia still differs from S'Pore, cause they don't have any Cheese Fries. Awwwwww.
After our dinner we went to the local products shop to have a look at what we would like to buy back into S'Pore. But what ended up was that we actually STARTED BUYING THINGS
=.= So much for being Kiasu.
So we bought really nice stuff back, and btw I bought scarf. Grey and black checkered type, Yeah cause they were havinh it at a special price. RM15.00 is really a nice price for a scarf when the rest is going at RM20.00. Not to say I'm cheapskate, I also look for quality one hor. I picked the grey one cause I think many people would be buying the ones I label as: "Many-ppl-buying-pls-don't-be-a-copycat-as-well". LOL, Anyway, we headed back with bags and bags of groceries, the minute I reached our room, I started organising my stuff like mad. Putting this here and that there. Really frenzy huh? But it's fun :-) Then we turned in earlier, and this time we watched 2 movies before Family Guy Heehee.
But before that actually happened, a mini scenario took place, which was between a very enraged DonDon and the M.I.A JenJen. Oh how sad~ We split up at this point in time, and I had Breakfast with Mashi and LFZ after what seemed like hours in the CD shop >.> I was beginning to fall asleep in my standing position. Really!
OK, we had noodles at the noodle shop, just beside the place where we HAD our breakfast YESTERDAY, if I'm not wrong. Yeah, we complimented its culinary skills as quite good (in Genting). Then we sort of wandered off into arcade, and played some games, before we sped off to the hotel lobby. Met up, and we went to the cable car, where JEN was waiting listening to music... Oh so sad Jen.
The trip downhill was cold, like the mountain breeze. Even though some of the silence may have been caused by the pressure changes in my ears, it was still scarier than the trip up to Genting on the first day. Minna, should know what happened in the cabin ya? Really tense atmosphere LOL. I nearly suffocated there.
Ok, after we reached the base of the mountain, we bought some nice tidbits from 'Country's tidbits and Candies Cottage', which was somewhat cheesy if you notice it in Singapore. But for a certain reason, seeing it in Genting seems kinda intriguing and different, makes you wanna just go in and buy something. I bought Sunflower seeds and Skin-off broadbeans. Then it was time for the bus back to KL Sentral, and then we had to WAIT LONG for 2 people to go to the toilet. Before we boarded the bus to KLIA. Heehee, I was isolated from them, and left alone in front. But it's OK, I needed dome time of my own wasn't it? =_=
Then when we reached KLIA, we(or I think myself only) was tired from the sleep in the bus. Tired, but yes, refreshed somehow. Then we had dinner at one of the airport outlets, which SUCKED in Both servicing and quality. Mee Mamak was, to me, a kind of disaster. Not appealing (very small portion) and it is actually PRECOOKED? Whatever, I was lucky my Nasi Lemak was fantastic enough for my palates. Nice slight fragrance in rice, nice Rendang chicken, nice 1/2 hardboiled egg plus a good cup of Iced lychee (I swear it tastes EXACTLY like canned lychee, when they can sell it there for lik, RM6.90!). I think Jen's Hainanese Chicken rice tasted like, a blander version of chicken rice you can find in Singapore. Although it is also quite appealing with the er... Mango salad? Oh, Poor Mashi, have to pick out (ALL) the Fried shallots in the Mee Mamak, after complaining to the manager. Poor him, why did he do that and not get another replacement dish, I cannot understand. Perhaps he's too full of anger bah :X
Ok, time for a nice shoping last minute, where I bought nice chocolates for my mum and aunt. Fidani's Finest selection. For RM28.00 each! OK, I was like still hoping to see a good amount for them to chomp on my chocolates, but no. Only 6 pieces in each BOX! WTFBH?! But I swear their chocolates tasted heavenly. Especially the praline centers, its enough to melt your heart. Ooops, did I just say I ate the chocolates? :P
The flight back was more lenient for my ears, which surprisingly DID NOT BURST IN PAIN just before the touchdown. Hurray. I think it's only for the first time your ears would happen like that? I hope so certainly. Definitely NOT NICE to experience it again. And I am still enjoying the flight experiance, since there's this small degree of free-fall sensation there.
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