Been sleep-deprived since this week of school. Oh ya, and this is one late update as well. Hoohoo, who's the complacent one now, huh. Since Monday, I have been staying up late automatically for the rest of the week, for no apparent reason. I think it's because I cannot adjust my sleeping habit during hols to that of the schooling time. It sucks, but that's the fact. 私を助けなさい!
My hectic week, I am behind schedule as usual. I cannot seem to grab the timing of Poly life up to now. It sure is funny. Why must we be the ones printing the notes? I hate this, since I always forget or have no freaking time to do these tasks at all. Just how many hours of break do we get each day? It's more pathetic than the timetable for last year I presume. Ha, let's move on to things that appear to be more fun than this S H I T :
My hectic week, I am behind schedule as usual. I cannot seem to grab the timing of Poly life up to now. It sure is funny. Why must we be the ones printing the notes? I hate this, since I always forget or have no freaking time to do these tasks at all. Just how many hours of break do we get each day? It's more pathetic than the timetable for last year I presume. Ha, let's move on to things that appear to be more fun than this S H I T :

Everyone seems to comment that I looked really striking when I walk around in HOT PINK colour. I think I grabbed lots of atention in school, but how nice I look is still a question. :-) And I like the texture of that shirt. So soft to the skin. Me LUV IT. And it's from Grace, my ex P.L. colleague.
To Grace: "ありがとう!"
My new group cliques are such a bunch of horny gals. They can talk about ALL kinds of things when we are still having our break. LOL. but its fun LISTENING and commenting a little on their conversation. Then our practical sessions were not so fun, even though during Human Biology and Immunology practical, I was chosen as the one to "stab" my finger with the "stabber" such that we could get a blood smear for observations. I'm not the only one, as we were supposed to have approximately half in the class getting "stabbed". LOL. You should have seen Shi Hui do the "stabbing" for me. She did not even do it, and asked Lecturer for SOS. LOL! But the Lecturer did it quick, and although its not much of a pain, I still feel it, since he pierced me near the nail part, which is very painful. But we got what we wanted, and I think next week we are able to see our blood smear contents ba. :-) Can't WAIT.
Then came the practice for Food Microbiology practical test. LOL, everything was lacking in that Q615 lab for that day dammit. Not even oil was there, which was for the oil immersion lens for the microscopic viewing. Why can't the school/ staff do better sia? Can you imagine 4 people SHARING ONE F***ING SMALL BENCH AREA MEANT FOR 2 PPL?
Can't even accomodate enough people in that small lab, how are we gonna concentrate and ensure enough materials for all?! REALLY.
Labour Day was quite fun. Slept for a straight 13-14 hours, recharging my body batteries to its maximum. I feel so refreshed and awake, which I have not been experiencing for weeks. Woot! How I wish everyday I could sleep till I'm full. LOL. Then went to eat with Mum at hawker centre, then went to play JuBeat at the AMK Hub arcade. Not too bad, but I played only 2 games [2 x 3 stage = 6 playtime]. UNLOCKED NEW SONG, thanks to imoto-san. But I still gotta work hard for my rank levelling. I'm still a B4 level player, and got 8 more songs to get "S" rank before I can actually become B3 rank. If anyone could get me the OST for Jubeat [pic below], I'll really hold him/her in high esteem, and really grateful as well!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I beat my imoto-san AGAIN in KOF:MIA! *Inserts the evil grin and smirk* I LOVE MY TEAM MEMBERS MAN! LUISE! ATHENA! XIAO LON! 私はあなた方皆を愛する! I am almost done with Luise and Athena's devil training, and the next will be Xiao Lon, Mai Shiranui and .... GIVATMA and Lilly Kane. Nice. Talking about it, We lost at 1st stage at this stupid arcade DJ game. I swear NEVER to play that u-loo game, when its so damn strict, and so outdated already. LAME. HATE IT! We have wasted 5-6 credits on that damn thing! Lol.
Oh, and I've bought 2 new clothing since yesterday. I Love the designs on them, cause they are Cool, and so epic. Spot them if your eyes are sharp enough. :-)
And, I am going to work in approximately 9 hours. Feels like feigning sickness to avoid going to work. BUT, I think they need people, so I shall endure. Seeya, and stay tuned! I'm beginning to feel abit bored since I haven't been blogging about certain people... ... ... hahaha!
Oh, and I've bought 2 new clothing since yesterday. I Love the designs on them, cause they are Cool, and so epic. Spot them if your eyes are sharp enough. :-)
And, I am going to work in approximately 9 hours. Feels like feigning sickness to avoid going to work. BUT, I think they need people, so I shall endure. Seeya, and stay tuned! I'm beginning to feel abit bored since I haven't been blogging about certain people... ... ... hahaha!

I LOVE MADONNA! Look at her, does she look 50 to you? LOL, she looks like she barely hit 40, and she has accomplished sooooooooooo much. Music, filming, acting, writing, almost everything she has done. And LOOK. She's still so sizzling hot even at 50. Look at other women at this age and all you'll see is either obese or haggard women having so much wrinkles and white hair already. I really idolize Madonna, and I will continue it for as long as I can. Pardon me for my Madonna obsession/ spamming/ preaching/ whatever you call it, cause she's my inspiration/ idol. :-)

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