Hey. Would like to do some update and some upload of photos. Yes. My delicious blog cannot do without some sticky photos.I shall follow by texting first, then finally end it with the pics. :)
My whole previous week revolved around the adjusting to the new modules in my timetable. Practically everything seems to be labelled with the word: "Food", but I just can't seem to see the whole thing can ever revolve around the word FUN.
>First came Food Chemistry. Great as I thought it would be, it turned out quite crestfallen for me. Damn boring recap of some of the things I learnt last year, about WATER and ICE. Great. The lecturer, try as hard as she could, never interests me into her lessons.
>Then came Food Microbiology. This saved my whole life, as it was still taught by the ever funny Ms Sze. :) :) Love her friendly and amicable attitude sia. This is one of the heavy weightage subjects, and I FEEL a lot in ace-ing it. :)
>Food Marketing and Innovation just gives me the idea of an Economics recap. LOL. It's so ... ... like back to Year 1!!
>Project 2 I think will be slightly boring than the one we had last year, but still it is one of the more fun modules I think I have gotten. It sure sounds fun trying to work when you realise that your minds are only occupied with the end in mind: to eat. Then again, aren't we supposed to validate whether the cooking procedures printed on the package goes smoothly?
>Food Ingredients, IDK. Have not even met the lecturer or attended any lessons/lectures up to date. I have a feeling it's gonna be like a recap of Introduction to Food Science. Hahahaha.
>Unit Operations in Food Processing ? Oops. Physics is bound to always haunt me throughout Poly Life, is it?!?!?! At least that's what my classmates said bout it. I am praying hard. Real Hard.
>German Optional Elective 2: RELAX. I treat this module as a sort of relaxation from my mainstream studying. It's quite nice to study abit about the languages when you're pretty stressed up recently, and there's my imototachi to chat with me as well, be it debates in languages, J-pop or arcades, that's cool as well. Only pity is that if I were in the Japanese Language module, things would be MUCH MORE FUN. Desho, ne, imototachi?
>I got a notebook to keep track of everything now. Well, not really that useful, but I guess its gonna help someway or another. Pinning down/ Drawing down anything in time to come then. And, OMFG, SO MUCH PROJECTS TOPPLING ONTO MY HEAD! There's already one for making a brochure about food allergy for Human Biology and Immunology [Group Leader], Project 2 for product validation [Group Leader], and Food Microbiology mini assignment [Group Leader], and Unit Operations in Food Processing for some project that discusses about a certain food product and how it is made/processed/packaged/prepared/validated/quality control checked/ whatever man [Group Leader]. It's telling me: "MELTDOWN" right now, as I'm blogging.
Then came my Updated wishlist. NOW, I want:
1. SONY NW-S coming with 4 GB internal memory [s$250++!!!!!!!], with noise-cancelling function and bundled with the uber cool headphones that does that function as well!

2. @ least 1 new HAT 3. @ least 2 new SHIRTS
4. @ least 1 pair of SHOES
>And that's it. Not trying to be that greedy, but depending on my pay, I think I may get only 2-3 out of these 4 items. BUT DEFINITELY THE MP3!
>And then there's JuBeat. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Anyone who's a fan of games like Rockfever, Drum Mania, GO TRY JUBEAT! It's HIGHLY ADDICTIVELY FUN. I got the e-amusement card for $6, and now I am a level B3 player. From D, it goes on to C, then B, then A, then S, then SS Rank. I saw this guy with an S rank player and I was sooooooooooo envious. Here's a very addictive song I got hooked onto. And it's a level 10 song, so it's one of the hardest in the game. And, I found out that this player named Y.S.Y was one of Japan's Best Player. See his video while he played Jubeat, and I can tell you I am so envious of him. LOL!
>As for KOF:MIA, I think I found back my love for Xiao Lon, as I brought her out of the Cold Palace. All thanks to Imoto Marlene, as she started using the Miss to jolt back my passion for Aconite Flower. Hehehe. And I'm still putting Luise Meyrink into INTENSIVE training, just like Athena Asamiya. And I'll let you see my Wives below: :)
Athena Asamiya

Luise Meyrink

Xiao Lon
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, these are my candid shots when I celebrated a very belated 18th Bithday with my PL Friends, Mashimaro, Lao Fu Zi, and Jen, along with Anna. Hehehe, my prezzie, Iluv you all. Grace got me a pink collared shirt, said I looked nice in PINK. LOL. Then Mashi, LFZ and JEN got me a charger. Without this I think I would still be stuck with "IDK where to buy/when to buy/how much" kind of thing. Jen got me this cute keychain lo. Now, I hang it on my keys, Yes. Haha, If I have the time, then I'll update again. Oh, and, my school click is ever the nicest [Me, KL, YT, SH, BX, WW, HW, JK]. We rulez totally, and It's like one third of the class. LOLz its fun to talk together and eat together, but a pity not too much boys in my course. Shall not talk much for now, shall go research for my Human Bio Project and Unit Operations.

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