On the 29th, I went to school on the 1st day of the second term, carrying my NEW bag. I wondered if I looked GAY holding to the handbag, but my evil gang said it looked great and nice on me, and that I didn't look a single bit GAY. Haha with that and a few more compliments from Fizah and Nabilah, I was certain I DID NOT waste $50 on it. After school, I went to the library with Fiz and Nabi, but turned out that what was supposed to be a Biochem project meeting
turned out to be time for slacking. I really feel bad, but I deserve it, just like what Fiz said. :(
So after that was like 2hrs, it was 7 finally, and we went home together, chatting furiously on dirty jokes, and taunting each other. Took a bus home, but when I nearly reached, I SUDDENLY REMEMBERED THAT I HAD TO GO TO HGM PEPPER LUNCH TO COLLECT D-GRAYMAN COMICS FROM MASHI! OH GOD! So, instead of alighting, I took all the way to AMK hub, and took 132 from there. If not for that moment, Mashi would have brought the comics for nothing! Ooops... Mashi!
I reached there around 8pm++, then went to the toilet 1st. Then I asked Julia to call him out, and he saw me, went inside to get the whole stack [in a small plastic bag], took away one order menu [the one stuck on the cashier's counter], wiped the underneath of the menu, carefully placed them onto it, and slided them gently into my grasp. The whole thing looked like as if he was entrusting gold blocks to me instead of comics, but I guess they are after a small fortune [money spent on it]... :) Finally I can catch up on my manga reading ON MY OWN, w/o having to apply for membership for a Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
Ever wondered when I would go MAD? That's what happened to me ytd, on the 30th.
So, this morning as usual, I chiong-ed to the LTS-2, even though I live so close to NYP. I like to idle around in the morning, that's why, and then go out at the last minute. After 4 houtrs of lecture [3 to be exact, since again as usual, Mr.Alvin took just an hour to go through 2 e-lectures.]. My evil gang then choing-ed the Biostats tutorials, since I just recalled the tutor saying to submit the tutorials that day. I copied, and Maám copied, and Jas copied, and Wanwen copied. We just made it in time for the start of the lesson. I ACTUALLY FORGOT TO HAND THEM IN!
So after that, we went to the NTUC @ AMK Hub in the afternoon, to shop for ingredients for Project 1 Trial again [those who dunno, its like a kitchen-based session for us to practice/modify/cook/create dishes, either from old ones, or new ones.], and after buying [again I was always the one having to pay for the bill 1st 0.o] I parted with my family, then went up to arcade. The moment I entered, I rushed to JuBeat machine, but it was crowded. I then saw there was an empty seat for KOF:MIA, so I sat down and challenged a person. He/She uses Luise Meyrink, B.Jennet and Ash Crimson... strangely familiar, but I didn't bother to check. I then lost, but it was only because I had not TOUCHED the damn machine for ages. I continued using up my $2.00 value, then gave up. This is why I am so furious about:
After that, bought presents for my evil gang members. I bet you my members are so going to love what I bought. Want to know what I bought them, huh? After I make sure they get it 1st then, which is today, then I'll show it here.
I just wanted to post about the things i find so emotional in life. That's all for now, but prepare for more when our class [FS0803] outing comes. Seeya :)
"I'm as Free as my Hair, cause baby I was Born This Way." - Lady GaGa
December 30, 2008
December 26, 2008
An overview of the past week.
Sometimes, when you want to do a certain thing, there will be procrastination occasionally. Well, it is FOR this post... Ooops! One week has passed, and School is going to reopen soon [Sucks... I particularly hate it now.]! So anyway, I had a great week [well, sort of...]> Let me just have a sumary instead>
SATURDAY [20/12/2008]
I went out with my 2 imoto-tachis again, as usual, but I met them late. At about 5hrs approximately. It sucks to be late everytime I meet out with friends. Like, its your fault... and that much time has been lost because of you.... so when we met at nearly 5pm in the evening, I had expected them to be mad. True enough, Hui-chan was again making those fake punching actions on me again... But it wasn't so bad after all, since I messaged them beforehand that I would be late. They had gone shopping at other places instead, while I was at home, watching TV and doing nothing. I was even playing Pet Society at that time... Oh god...
We then went to the Kopitiam near the Hougang Plaza, and I immediately saw this coooool counter: A westernized style Cafeteria counter with a kind of small shelter above it, with a plasma TV beside it, and a glass compartment for displaying the products!!! IN A KOPITIAM! We ordered Pepperoni Pizza [I ordered the spicy one] and shared the cost with my 2 sis, but soon they turned into evil witches, scolding me, as the pizza sauce was found to contain CHILLI PADI & CHILLI SEEDS. No wonder the pizza was so spicy that I also cannot take it. Sorry sisters, for not heeding your advices. :(
We then went to the Kopitiam near the Hougang Plaza, and I immediately saw this coooool counter: A westernized style Cafeteria counter with a kind of small shelter above it, with a plasma TV beside it, and a glass compartment for displaying the products!!! IN A KOPITIAM! We ordered Pepperoni Pizza [I ordered the spicy one] and shared the cost with my 2 sis, but soon they turned into evil witches, scolding me, as the pizza sauce was found to contain CHILLI PADI & CHILLI SEEDS. No wonder the pizza was so spicy that I also cannot take it. Sorry sisters, for not heeding your advices. :(
I then ordered some fishball soup to help ease their mouth cavities [after they had downed a can of drink each with me], and again we shared the cost. After that we headed for Dhoby Ghaut, and we sort of took pics there, since they had displays outside. We then walked to a place, from Dhoby Ghaut, for all Christmas seasons: ORCHARD ROAD. We took pictures along the way, and I bumped into lots of people when it got squeezy...why is there a renovation when the christmas season is during this period!? ...
Marlene was saying she wanted loads of CDs, and Vera was saying she needed to at least see Michael Bublé's CDs in the Jazz section of HMV. I guess we are all poor blokes who just dream of getting ALL the CDs of our Idols. Haha, well, reality is reality. you can never deny this fact! After awhile more, we then took the MRT home, and split routes home. Mum bought home pizzas, so I had a small feast at home. *Eats pizza with a melting look*
SUNDAY [21/12/2008]
worked from 12pm all the way to 11pm today in PL, and had a 2hr break in between 4 and 6, but it was pushed to 5 to 7, due to extremely STRESSFUL CONDITIONS you wouldn't want to know [if you are a person who works part time in Pepper Lunch.]
Jian Hao, Jen and Aunty Christina, you all should know what happened on that day right? [If you ever read this!]
So when I had my break, I went out with Aunty Alice [Captain of Hougang outlet], Sin Hui and Julia to shop for a christmas present priced between $10-$20. There was supposed to be a Christmas party at AMK outlet tomorrow, after we dock off at 11pm. After a walk through the various shops, I bought a Merci Chocolate assortment [the LARGEST size, at $14.95...], and Sin Hui bought Van Houten Assortment supreme instead [LARGEST TIN, at $16.90]. Julia already bought a present, and Alice bought about 3-4 BOXES OF FERRERO ROCHERs in a go! Whoa!!! That's abit too much, but it turned out that they were part of her christmas plan...
Well, night falls quickly. I had a particular nasty and unpleasant experience during my work, involving another person I don't associate myself with. And it IS very childish, given that you see the outcome of my relation with that person. This is the EVER 1ST time I had seen that person in that KIND of manner. It was... oh god, ... I don''t feel like describing that person's FACE and ATTITUDE. It was actually similar to that of a child throwing a tantrum to the mother, and then gives the pissed off attitude after that. It was just a minor mistake[That person thinks as if it will kill him if he were to do it], or MORE ACCURATELY , action, in case you are guessing, that I made.
Sickening. Totally SICKENING. I must say, It is one of the few occasions that I see that a near ADULT can exhibit that kind of attitude that was meant for a CHILD. We did not talk to each other after that incident, and believe it or not, it's still going on even now.
MONDAY [22/12/2008]
At 11.50++, we reached AMK Hub, and we saw Alice at first sight, wearing a SEXY tight-fit... ... ... ... casual clothes. LOL, did that get you? We had a smal feast of buffet and drinks, and then we exchanged presents. Firstly, all the presents were labelled from 1-36. I couldn't see mine. Then, one by one, we lined up for a turn in which we would pick a number out of a container. I picked 36!!! That was F**KING a coincidence, since Jen's present was actually labelled 36! I GOT JEN"S PRESENT!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed for a seriously long time, because I ALREADY KNEW WHAT JEN'S PRESENT WAS! It was a kind of coin bank shaped like a red robot, that WAS STUFFED INSANELY with sweets and chocolates. Tanks JEN!!!! I LOVE the present you gave me, and I'm feeding it with coins everyday. Mashi got Marshmallows! Mashi-Marshmallows, Marshmallows-Mashi. Sounds like a rhyme. And it was still PINK! Is it Oishi, Mashi? Ooooh..... a mother got Sin Hui's chocolate box, and Christopher's [AMK Manager] daughter got Lian Yi's present, which should be a soft toy from mini toons. My present that I exchanged for was actually the LAST present to be opened, and it was shared among the AMK staff ba... hope they like the chocs!!
There were still bus 269 for me even though it was near 1am, but it was the last bus, and I was lucky. So I got home and took pics of my present step by step!
Next day, I went for work, and Alice GAVE ME A PRESENT! It turned out to be a mug filled with Ferreros inside! How sweet, Alice, Thanks! [Even if you are not reading my blog :) ] That, I say, is the ultimate plan for Alice's shopping binge in Chocolates; She packed them in mugs and gave it as presents.
WEDNESDAY [24/12/08]
I went to AMK hub early in the morning to shop for food to cook in my module 'Project 1'. We then bought a roasted small chicken @ $4.90, and a small Cappucino cream cake for $3.95, in which we are going to have another small feast after our cooking. Practiced pancake-cooking for awhile [Mee Jiang Kueh], and the filling [Apple dices+Banana mash now, since the previous apple pie type and peach pie filling turned out ...weird] idea turned out really NICE! Nabilah and Fizah was there practicing their Mee Rebus as well, so we had more people to build up the feast! I had FINALLY SUCEEDED in making the EDGE of the pancake!!!!!!! [you know, the king of translucent-thin skin at the edge, such that the filling will not fall out?]. After making several pancakes, we cleaned up and then took out the cut chicken, cake and our creations out on the table for the tok panjang, or the feast. Jas, you are influenced by Nyonyaism!!!! AHHHH. Btw, during a short time, we played a mini-game: speak ONLY in ONE LANGUAGE. I FAILED IN DOING SO AFTER JUST 2 MINUTES! Then Wanwen bought home-made cookies, and they were NICE. I got a small present from Missy 2 and Madame, and I shall give them something as well. Oh, the festive season is ALL ABOUT the spirit of EXCHANGE! Went home after that to... sleep. Lols :)
After work, I changed, and headed to AMK hub for some tries at the arcade. JuBeat, HOTD4 and KOF:MIA were what I really wanted to play, but ALL OF THEM WERE OCCUPIED. Thus, I sat down and watch a person bash on KOF:MIA. Then came along this huge guy, who used Luise, Billy & Ash from KOF. His moves were cool and powerful, but after winning the 1st round, he lost, and lost and lost again, and lost again, and lost again.............................................................and lost again...................................................................and lost again....................and lost again.....................till I gave up watching him and headed to the bathroom for relieve. When I came back, he was STILL CHALENGING the other person. Although I say that if he has the money then its alright to splurge, but LOGIC would have told the man to come back awhile later to play. oh god... I gave up waiting for an empty seat, and went for KOF 03 instead. After that was HOTD4, and with 2 credits, For the 1st time in my life, I managed to die only at the empress [bloody hell, his life was at the LAST PHASE, AT THE LAST SLIVER, then I was brutally slayed by its chainsaws at that moment. hia...], but people had already started chasing people out, so I guess no JuBeat todae, but tml.
FRIDAY [26/12/2008]
Anyway, I went out with my aunt & got a haircut [even I also cannot even stand my own messy and thick bush.], as well as bought a handbag[the ones guys can carry] for school, which I THINK IS the current trend among bag-fashion. I've seen lots of guys carrying it, and I'm pretty sure it is quite nice, especially when I GOT A FREAKING LAPTOP as my textbook now... it is HUGE and WIDE and STRAPPY[lots of belts on one side of the bag] and is made from a NICE MATERIAL.
Went out with my beloved imoto-tachis again, & I used my BRAND NEW BAG for the 1st time. I reached there about 12.12pm, and was late for 12 minutes. Whew, at least not enough to flare upu my 2 imotos. -_-Went to the manga shop to return the borrowed BLEACH & D-GRAYMAN comics, but found it had not opened. Decided to then go to Chinatown to have lunch, as well as shop in this shop called 'PAN IN A BOX' located in Chinatown Point [Sells cosplay stuff and loads of goodies]. Went to a hawker centre and had Char Siew rice, then headed for the shop. When I stepped into the shop, the 1st thing I saw was .....costumes......LOADS of them. I was amazed at this kind of shop, thus I released my shopping spirit, but did not buy anything in the end [BADLY wanted the necklace for D-GRAYMAN's Higher Exorcist's symbol @ $5.90, but decided to save THAT MONEY for Arcade.]. Vera bought something which I had no idea, and then we left for Dhoby Ghaut for the arcade. Believe it or not, WE WALKED ALL THE WAY THERE WITHOUT KNOWING THAT WE WERE AIMLESSLY WALKING! F**K!!! We asked for directions from someone @ 7-11, before we figured it out. During our resting period on some seats, we took this:
And we were then greeted by the welcome gush of air-con, blanketing us. We played at the X-Zone in the MRT Station, and had FUN! JuBeat was pleasant, and I haven't lost my touch for that game, scoring an overall B!!! :) Went to PS then headed to the top floor [STAR FACTORY] Played afew games, and then watched Marlene vent her anger on the KOF characters... you should have seen how she looked when she won/was beaten up... :) Vera, you need MORE PRACTICE! Went back to Hougang to return the comics, and then had dinner. Went up to the library for awhile, and then Went home with Vera on the bus 165. [Marlene took the poor MRT back :(] And I'm here writing this God-damn F**KING long-granny-story post, just because I need to update my blog. Sorry for doing it IN ONE SHOT....
Anyway, I'm Doomed for my Biostats project. Not so bad for Biochem, with the capable Fizah to help start it, together with Nabilah, or else this project would never have started. :)) School reopening is a SUCKY thing to me now: MORE STRESS AWAITS US!
December 18, 2008
The 3 days of pure BLISS.
This is such an enjoyment: Now I really enjoy a nice, long slacking period.

So on Monday, I was at my Aunt's house. clearly slacking my ass off. I went to see a doc with her, and got medicine for my pimples problem... It cost S$95, for a cleanser, night cream, 2 bags of tablets and another scalp cream. Whew, I'm glad all that has been solved. From then, went shopping with my Aunt Jennifer, then went eating at Kovan... had breakfast earlier on, so managed to eat just plain non-spicy otah and shared some Peach Nata with my cousin. Then went to my Aunt's house to use comp and then had dinner.
Watched the 2hr special Little Nyonya, then went home, cause I had to take care of my sis the next day. If not for this I would have stayed at Jennifer's house liao... :( But reality is, well, real, so I just had to do that. Went home and SOMEONE happened to call me once in a blue moon. Wow, that person was none other than Lormee. not that bowl of runny noodles, but the human ya....Chatted lots about Facebook, and our pets from Pet Society [my pet is called Mur-hwee in the game].... damn I just wonder how my friends managed to chiong their pets till like, high level.... awww I shall never have that MUCH time to avtually do that sia.Then I bathed, and treated my face... before I just used the com to slack more time till 3 plus in the morning... Slept, and the next day I just woke, ate pills and brought my sis to my Da-yi for babysitting.
Went to Jessica's [Aunt 2] house and saw no one in the house, but the windows was wiide open. I did not bring my HP, so I BANGED the door, but no one freaking answered, so I went downstairs to West Plaza to find them. Found Jennifer and Xander [her son] instead, so went back to the Jess's Apt. FINALLY! Then we cooked dinner, and on Tuesday we had CABBAGE with SHRIMPS, Fried luncheon meat and ABC soup... simple but it tasted like heaven to us hungry rats. Watched the Little Nyonya then stayed at Jessica's house for the night. [I have a LUST for VINEGAR, and they happened to have a bottle of apple cider vinegar [Heinz], so during my stay, i used ALOT of it, in seaweed, noodles, crackers, and just sipping it plainly. Heard people said that having vinegar is good for the body, and since i LOVE it soooooo much, well... naturally I use it excessively.... :)]We cooked Tom Yum noodles after we bathed and cleaned ourselves [imagine 2 packets can be shared among us three], and had seriously hell fun with the webcam, making alien faces,,, :):):):):) Vivian, Sammi and I laughed like witches. :):):):):) [You should have seen the video... I have it in my com, but I promised them I won't just show it anyhow... hideous witches and freak babies]Slept at around 3 in the morning, and woke up in the night to erm..... *sheeeeesheeeee* several times.... then we slept till like, 12-1pm in the noon already.
Thus we had pancakes [it came in a bottled container, so that we just needed to add water, and nothing else. Shaking is required of course :)], with maple syrup, and cold ribena from the fridge, and the vegetable crackers [paprika flavour one, the ones I used to eat in lecture theatres :) ]. Then came Jennifer, scolding us the moment she entered the house about our bad habit: not washing the dishes... :( Our dinner on Wednesday consisted of a red carrot+radish soup, stir-fried long beans with pork, and omelette with ''cai po'' in it. Awwwwwwwww, the soup was so tasty and sooooooo sweet. It was 99.9% almost from the veggies themselves. During midnight, we again cooked noodles for a sinful supper, this time the korean kimchi noodles, but the exception was that I added the apple cider vinegar in my noodles. I can tell you I was shunned and scolded by my 2 cousins.... We also snuck some of the black pepper ham that Jessica bought for us the next day... into our STOMACH.
''Ewww, sick'' - Sammi
''F*** you, Kor, it stinks.'' - Vivian
And these were some of what they said to me. :) Oh, that's cousins for you.
The next day, we had Black pepper ham+bread toasted in an oven, and cappuccino in dainty little ceramic cups. Then Jennifer cooked macaroni with a chicken+meatball+fishball soup with prepared chilli padi for us to add. It's superb. Then it was time for me to go back home and accompany my mum.
The next day, we had Black pepper ham+bread toasted in an oven, and cappuccino in dainty little ceramic cups. Then Jennifer cooked macaroni with a chicken+meatball+fishball soup with prepared chilli padi for us to add. It's superb. Then it was time for me to go back home and accompany my mum.
I feel a little weird being away from home for more than 2 days, and this is the reason I hate myself for. But I don't know whether this is good or bad. Always when my Aunt tells me to stay [they are fun people, and they are not those traditionally-gossip-bothersome-strict-boring-lame-outdated-old-inclined aunts. They're fun.], I end up wanting to go home after 2 days. And my mum will give very little gestures that she doesn't want me to linger with my Aunts... some family problem, but still, I think my mum should accept them, not treat them as someone we have to avoid. Freaking hell, I feel stuck in between the relatives of my father's side and my mum's side. I HATE that feeling, I can't enjoy fully.... hai, that's life for you isn't it? It's not perfect at all.
LOL that was fun though. I shall update more of my life interesting moments in days to come :)
Seeya>Pics i took During my stay>>> [I know I am ZL, but I do have the right for that, right?]
Seeya>Pics i took During my stay>>> [I know I am ZL, but I do have the right for that, right?]

December 13, 2008
The Time I enjoyed life for a very long time.

Hi there, I'm back, after a Complete day of enjoyment from ytd... apparently not for a very long time [since the previous weeks are all nothing but study, tutorials, forced-self-study times and common tests]. Hers's what happened on Friday...
Woke up at around 11.30am, when I should have been at the atrium waiting for my 2
imoto-tachi. Called Hui-chan to postpone the meeting to 1pm, but still only managed to reach there at 1.20pm. Oh my, I should really get rid of the tardiness in me by now.... something I wanted to rid myself of since young... hai... anyway, We window-shopped together for awhile, waiting for the student meal of Pepper Lunch to be activated at 2pm. Shopped in women's clothes shop, since my 2 sisters are just plainly girls in nature and I got dragged into it too. [like what do girls do when they go into places full of clothes shop?...] Hui-chan bought this tee from IPZ, but I wanted to buy the Jacket there as well... awwwwwwwwww its soooooooo cool [50% offer, but at $89, which is still $44.50... I can't SPLURGE NOW... no money as I have to depend on my salary for my living expenses.]
We then went Pepper Lunch, and had:
Me> (SM) Curry Cheese Beef PPR w/ Pepsi Cola
Imoto-tachi> (SM) Chicken PPR w/ (Iced Peach Tea)(Pepsi Cola)
Soft-serve Ice Cream> 3 Goma Ice cream, with sinful amounts of B.sesame sauce & sesame seeds
Chatted lots on our life again [in Jap-pop, Fashion and plain crap :) ], and then lingered for around 1/2 hour more. Then, we went to withdraw $$ for arcade spamming. Hui-chan and Yun-chan finally got NEW tapz cards [Grey Shade]. Too bad mine is green in colour... anyway, we simply LOVED the new machine in the Arcade> JuBeat... its like, an amazing game tt makes your fingers/palms go crazy over the 16 square butttons... haha I am naturally good in these type of games [Rockfever/ Guitar heroes/ DJ max]. Ah... simply great.
Then played House 4 for awhile, but died shortly even if i got an A for 2 Stages [There was an Indian girl tt did not know how to shoot zombies correctly, but Yun-chan corrected her anyway... and the 1st controller was spoilt, yet she reused the same controller for twice in a row till Yun-chan told her, or else she would've wasted $12...]. Then We KOF-ed for while [I practice real hard] then soon we were out of $$... an there we spent about until 6-8pm... Saw Ze Liang with his GF, but he only saw me when we passed each other. Then went to the techies shop on Lv 3, and lingered there for awhile. Discussed bout the earphones we might buy after chistmas... then we ate dinner [Yun-chan and I ate instant noodles, I drank collagen water, and Hui-chan ate a Cheeseburger w/ Coke] then crapped bout our new sis-bro relation... I can't stand it when the both of them acts like a childish Sister, and pulls at my shirt, and pouts and SQUEALS!!!! Arghhhh... After that we chatted lots on crap AGAIN... then Hui-chan had to go home. Went up to tha Arcade in Jubilee, and had a good time vs Marlene. NO ONE [for my characters] can beat her perkt-butt Ash Crimson.
X( its Just too difficult for me... I may be able to crush the other 2, but I'm sure I can beat him somedays. After that, we went home, and crapped about KOF on the way...
On the bus home, I saw MASHI and JIAN HAO walking together !!! They didn't see me, but I did. Anyway I went home for abit of rest, before I went out again at 11.30pm for a movie with PepperLunch cast. Saw Mashi and Jian Hao at the Arcade, then joined them for JuBeat AGAIN!!! :) Mashi's song sure rocked the three of us off!!!! After awhile, Don and Jen arrived, and we played DAYTONA like, together. I came in 4th!!! Such a bully sia... Then we arranged to sit together, and the rest turned up after awhile. We bought Popcorn and drinks [Don gave me the BOLT cup!!!], then went in to watch The Time Earth Stood Still at 1.20am.... NICE sia, the movie was so in depth, yet interesting at the same time. I especially loved the part where the scientist said:
"It is only at the last point of any kinds of crisis, that people or any civilisation truly evovle to greater beings [change for the better].
Your race also encountered the crisis of the dying of the sun [Klaatu's race], thus you evolved from this crisis and became what you are now.You say you want to save Earth from us, but I urge you to leave it to us to solve this problem, as your race has done it by itself. I believe that when we humans come to that point in crisis, we shall evolve and become greater being, and thus save this planet from total destruction."
Totally Cool in understanding about this phrase: "It is only at the last point of any kinds of crisis, that people or any civilisation truly evovle to greater beings [change for the better]. I thinkit is a very meaningful sentence. not sure if it is 100% exact from what I've heard, but the meaning is there. Think about it then, isn't it so correct about us humans? Extreme Change only at the critical point... After the movie, I went home at around 3am, walking with Mashi to check for Legendary Bus 6N. Mashi was unable to find such a rare bus then he went to Mas and planned to stay till the 1st bus arrives. I reached home around 4am then slept at 5am.... when i woke up, it was already 4 in the evening... what the hell, almost 12hours of sleep, and I feel certainly rejuvenated. Thats why I managed to churn out this post right? HAHA... I shall blog soon, when i have the time! Bye for now
P.S> Hey, check out my new tagboard/ cbox/ whateva you call it, and START TAGGING BEFORE YOU LEAVE TKS! :) - MurHwee/ Nii-Chan/ Mariam/ Murphy
December 10, 2008
The Hellish Common Tests... or NOT.

Oh dear, in a blink of my eye, the common test is now FINALLY over... but it was full of ups & downs for me. I had tests for:
CL1200 Organic Chemistry >
Fairly quite easy, every questions I was able to answer, except that I missed out a complete 4 MARKS for the reaction mechanism in 1-bromo-1-methylcyclohexane!!! Darn it. But I was confident of scoring at least a B- for this test. I LOVE Chemistry...
CL1103 Cell Biology >
It was superb. Almost more than half of the MCQs I was 100% sure, confident of scoring at least 40-48/60 for Section A, but there were some in the later parts that was disastrous. Section B was considered the second lifesaver after Section A, and I THINK I managed to score say, 12-14/20! Section C was a disaster completely! I think I managed to score ONLY 6-8/20! The accursed Isolation of Casein! Why must it come out when I did not study it, or shoould I say why didn't I study that obvious hint by Ms Vanaja?! Freaking hell, I just studied Biuret's test, which only tested in Section A! Total, I think I COULD get a B- to a B+... hopefully an A!
And the accursed...
CL 1503 Physics for Food Science >
I just managed to COMPLETE ONE BLOODY Qn on Vectors. Other than that, I can't possibly predict how much more marks am I going to get, other than the 10 full marks for Q1! God please bless me now... :)
Haha After this Mentally exhausting period, I shall accumulate more $$$ in my pocket by working, but I hope to have a makeover before the three weeks break is up. Looks really forward to it!! Hair and clothes and Eyes and face... Haha You'll all see it.
But for today and tomorrow... I shall spam lots on games in X-Zone! JuBeat and KOF:MI2 and HOTD4 and DDR[Lols...] with my 2 evilllllll Imoto-san [Sisters]... Yun-Chan and Hui-Chan... Congrats to Hui-Chan for getting a new Tapz card for the first time! Haha!
"Sorrrrrrrrrrry Ma'am and Sir, for not going out for Family Day with the Kids... aiyo must book me before my other kakis la... You know Mary and Lolita... Farimah also. Let's go other days shall we? Hear from you all soon."
-Loves, Mariam Carey :)
I hope everything CHANGES for the better, not just in studies, but generally everthing. 2008 seems like a bad year... ppl killed by white tigers, Sze Chuan earthquakes, terrorism in India and rioting in Thailand, global economical crisis, *freaking tough modules with additional elective*, H5N1, Malaria, everything I HOPE can subside by like, next year!!! For the Best, and as well as Madonna!!! She's my model example of what I want to be in life leh! BTW, She's divorced-again, but I hope she won't get affected in her Sticky & Sweet Tour. I AM 100% sure I AM going to buy the DVD of The Sticky & Sweet Tour [Live] regardless of any price. She's....HARD. Thats all for now, folks. Till next time!

December 5, 2008
... As promised...
Ho... so I am here again updating about today... not bad to blog occasionally :)
SOOOO..... It seems like this morning was complete chiong-ing of Organic Chem report [6] today... I completed it by typing furiously under an hour, and made it just in time to the e-assessment lesson for German at 12.14pm [chomped down a hotdog from the library, ending up owing Vera $4.20 and Marlene $1.10 :) ]... damn... I haven't even started on the german e-assignment homework I was supposed to complete before the class at 12.00pm! Just too MUCH for me... and I have to like, also print the reports out. Well, I myself can't agree more to this sentence:
'F**K Procrastination!'
Can you believe I had a COMPLETE free day for any homework to be done?! and yet I only managed to type finsh both the Biochemistry reports [5] & [6]... really... :(
Seems like we were considered EARLY... only Bianca and Hans was there with Frau Soebekti... Ok, she wasn't too strict with us, just that we are to hand in the e-asignment homework by 5pm!!!!! OMG that is like, only 1 hour after Lecture for me to do the shitty stuff! Well, anyway, the E-assignment itself wasn't too much of a difficulty, just a few doubts around the modal verbs placing and using... ugh luckily Frau Soebekti revised with us the location thingy, or else I would have died horribly in this test. Danke Schön, Frau Soebekti... for revising what Frau Lian has not done with me... :(
OK, so basically for the whole lecture, I was actually multitasking: collecting reports from all directions, listening to Dr. Subra and at the same time doing the finishing touches for the reports before they were handed in... Then what happened after the lecture was SERIOUSLY POOPED for me.
Raymond was saying to me that he would hand in the report later. I agreed, and then rushed to S524 with Nils and Bianca... then I was not sure what I was trying to do, but Bianca and Nils and the others actually took shorter time than me to actually do e-assignment and print it! I was SERIOUSLY F**KED, and just another surprise sprang onto me:
The Organic Chem reports to be handed in to Dr.Phoon! ARRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!
By the time I completed the german crap and printing it [Arigatou Marlene-san :) ] and rushed my ass to the P block and reached Dr. Phoon's office, I was greeted by a closed, locked door. I then went back home to apologize to Dr. Phoon via email...
[wow, he missed-call me for aroung 9-10 times!!!! He sure was anxious as I do.]
I would call this type of event my law: Murphy's Law. If You don't believe me, go check out the dictionary for it; there's definitions... ugh I HATE it when my own law acts upon me:
"The possibility for things to go wrong when it should not go wrong"
Well, anyway, went to AMK Hub after that at 6.30pm... Vera and Marlene were looking and feeling starved, as far as I can observe, and we had Dinner at Pepper Lunch again
> Marlene: (Coupon Set) Chicken Pepper Rice w/ Pepsi Cola
> Vera: (Coupon Set) Curry Cheese Beef Pepper Rice w/ Iced Peach Tea
> Me: (Coupon Set) Salmon Pepper Rice w/ Iced Peach Tea
> Soft Serve Ice Cream: Kuromitsu [sounds like Kumoritsuki], Goma and Matcha, just nice: All the flavours were ordered :)
Wow we sure talked lots about ourselves during the 1hour dinner... We talked about Udon ( :) ), Nightmares, sleepwalks, cosplaying, pojkemon, SJCC and the first ever memory in this world that we can think of, as young as possible... It sure was fun... and oh, i'm like their Big Brother now... Ha ha ha a nice family... and we even thought of conditioning Udo in joining us... after that, we had lots of fun eating the ice cream, and I was shivering in the restaurant... eating ice-cream in a cold place.
After we left, we proceeded to our weekly hangout: the A R C A D E...
I challenged Vera to a duel in DDR, but sadly speaking, we both FAILED in our 1st level... NVM it was good gameplay though...
Then... we played the newest thing in the arcade: JuBeat, a sort of machine like a cube, and its this sort of game whereby you need to press the button whenthere's a light on it... OK seriously it was not bad sia.... nice game, yet not very strenuous like other devices. Me and Vera was like shaking hands in teamwork all the time...
They had the song which i had been finding sooooo long>> Sha Na Na -something like that...! Mashi's Song back in P.L.!!!! That song seriously has some groove in it. There was also another song which we played in the final stage: something that goes: la la la Yay Yay Yay....!!!! I am SO GOING to find and DL them!!!!! After that, we tried House of the Dead 4 [as usual, but I don't understand whyh we can die so early in the game...], followed by KOF: MI2. Damn those guys hogging on to BOTH sides of the machines... after Marlene played once and offered them to play... WE NEVER GOT TO TOUCH THE CONTROLS AFTER THAT!!!!!!!!!! Marlene was like cursing them all the way down till we separated ways... :):)
I then went to the Jubilee Arcade later to see If I can have a go, then I saw this Guy whom Marlene knew: The Sec2 guy...? He was fighting at the last stage, and he manage to scrape through the Evil Three!!! Wasn't that awesome?!!!! Anyways, after he left, i walked around before I played.... It was fun, and initially I thought that the thrid button was spoilt... but the again, I saw that it's only the arrangement of the buttons. I managed to reached STAGE 4!!! With Either Xiao Lon, Luise, Alba or Ash or Kula... I tried my best till I had no $$ in my tapz, and there was the signal for me to stop. Nice Luise and Alba, I think I just Started liking their moves!!!
And here I am typing furiously in Mac, for this post... ok lets see what would happen tomorrow...> I hope NOTHING like TODAY!!!! Ok I better wish myself for good grades in common test: coming this TUESDAY!!!!!!
SOOOO..... It seems like this morning was complete chiong-ing of Organic Chem report [6] today... I completed it by typing furiously under an hour, and made it just in time to the e-assessment lesson for German at 12.14pm [chomped down a hotdog from the library, ending up owing Vera $4.20 and Marlene $1.10 :) ]... damn... I haven't even started on the german e-assignment homework I was supposed to complete before the class at 12.00pm! Just too MUCH for me... and I have to like, also print the reports out. Well, I myself can't agree more to this sentence:
'F**K Procrastination!'
Can you believe I had a COMPLETE free day for any homework to be done?! and yet I only managed to type finsh both the Biochemistry reports [5] & [6]... really... :(
Seems like we were considered EARLY... only Bianca and Hans was there with Frau Soebekti... Ok, she wasn't too strict with us, just that we are to hand in the e-asignment homework by 5pm!!!!! OMG that is like, only 1 hour after Lecture for me to do the shitty stuff! Well, anyway, the E-assignment itself wasn't too much of a difficulty, just a few doubts around the modal verbs placing and using... ugh luckily Frau Soebekti revised with us the location thingy, or else I would have died horribly in this test. Danke Schön, Frau Soebekti... for revising what Frau Lian has not done with me... :(
OK, so basically for the whole lecture, I was actually multitasking: collecting reports from all directions, listening to Dr. Subra and at the same time doing the finishing touches for the reports before they were handed in... Then what happened after the lecture was SERIOUSLY POOPED for me.
Raymond was saying to me that he would hand in the report later. I agreed, and then rushed to S524 with Nils and Bianca... then I was not sure what I was trying to do, but Bianca and Nils and the others actually took shorter time than me to actually do e-assignment and print it! I was SERIOUSLY F**KED, and just another surprise sprang onto me:
The Organic Chem reports to be handed in to Dr.Phoon! ARRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!
By the time I completed the german crap and printing it [Arigatou Marlene-san :) ] and rushed my ass to the P block and reached Dr. Phoon's office, I was greeted by a closed, locked door. I then went back home to apologize to Dr. Phoon via email...
[wow, he missed-call me for aroung 9-10 times!!!! He sure was anxious as I do.]
I would call this type of event my law: Murphy's Law. If You don't believe me, go check out the dictionary for it; there's definitions... ugh I HATE it when my own law acts upon me:
"The possibility for things to go wrong when it should not go wrong"
Well, anyway, went to AMK Hub after that at 6.30pm... Vera and Marlene were looking and feeling starved, as far as I can observe, and we had Dinner at Pepper Lunch again
> Marlene: (Coupon Set) Chicken Pepper Rice w/ Pepsi Cola
> Vera: (Coupon Set) Curry Cheese Beef Pepper Rice w/ Iced Peach Tea
> Me: (Coupon Set) Salmon Pepper Rice w/ Iced Peach Tea
> Soft Serve Ice Cream: Kuromitsu [sounds like Kumoritsuki], Goma and Matcha, just nice: All the flavours were ordered :)
Wow we sure talked lots about ourselves during the 1hour dinner... We talked about Udon ( :) ), Nightmares, sleepwalks, cosplaying, pojkemon, SJCC and the first ever memory in this world that we can think of, as young as possible... It sure was fun... and oh, i'm like their Big Brother now... Ha ha ha a nice family... and we even thought of conditioning Udo in joining us... after that, we had lots of fun eating the ice cream, and I was shivering in the restaurant... eating ice-cream in a cold place.
After we left, we proceeded to our weekly hangout: the A R C A D E...
I challenged Vera to a duel in DDR, but sadly speaking, we both FAILED in our 1st level... NVM it was good gameplay though...
Then... we played the newest thing in the arcade: JuBeat, a sort of machine like a cube, and its this sort of game whereby you need to press the button whenthere's a light on it... OK seriously it was not bad sia.... nice game, yet not very strenuous like other devices. Me and Vera was like shaking hands in teamwork all the time...
They had the song which i had been finding sooooo long>> Sha Na Na -something like that...! Mashi's Song back in P.L.!!!! That song seriously has some groove in it. There was also another song which we played in the final stage: something that goes: la la la Yay Yay Yay....!!!! I am SO GOING to find and DL them!!!!! After that, we tried House of the Dead 4 [as usual, but I don't understand whyh we can die so early in the game...], followed by KOF: MI2. Damn those guys hogging on to BOTH sides of the machines... after Marlene played once and offered them to play... WE NEVER GOT TO TOUCH THE CONTROLS AFTER THAT!!!!!!!!!! Marlene was like cursing them all the way down till we separated ways... :):)
I then went to the Jubilee Arcade later to see If I can have a go, then I saw this Guy whom Marlene knew: The Sec2 guy...? He was fighting at the last stage, and he manage to scrape through the Evil Three!!! Wasn't that awesome?!!!! Anyways, after he left, i walked around before I played.... It was fun, and initially I thought that the thrid button was spoilt... but the again, I saw that it's only the arrangement of the buttons. I managed to reached STAGE 4!!! With Either Xiao Lon, Luise, Alba or Ash or Kula... I tried my best till I had no $$ in my tapz, and there was the signal for me to stop. Nice Luise and Alba, I think I just Started liking their moves!!!
And here I am typing furiously in Mac, for this post... ok lets see what would happen tomorrow...> I hope NOTHING like TODAY!!!! Ok I better wish myself for good grades in common test: coming this TUESDAY!!!!!!
December 2, 2008
Updated in less than an hour... HA HA
physics lesson is a killer. BOREDOM! =.=
elmo is cute
doraemon is cute
stitch is cute
fish is cute! (requested by B.X)
madonna is sexy and delicious and sticky and sweet and Hard like hard candy . ><
(Sorry I got an intruder in my blog> O.W.W.!!!!!!)
Ok, so for those of you who missed out the German Christmas Party, TOO BAD. After you guys left, the feast BEGAN. we baked our cookies[A HUGE heart with initials F.L. for Frau Lian, and a 'lol' looking snowman> its face was exactly like: "'-_- ] and had alot of christmas cookies: Gingerbread, vanilla, Gummi, Pretzels and lastly, brownies... that day was a really SWEET and STICKY day for me. I kept the FL cookie for Frau Lian, as she wasn't there due to a head-splitting headache, After the German quiz...
We had gone to N609 again for Trial session. I was LATE again, then we started doing the rest. In the end, my supposed moist peach filling bcame... dried off in the oven. But it was a good try for the apples though, just like MacDonald's apple pie filling, and the skin of the pancake as well... After the presentation, we tried some really weird food at another sensory evaluation session in the food labs. Fried milk samples and stick-like cereals samples and mango cookies samples... haha they tasted fantastic, especially the cereal sample. I was the last one to finish though...
then I'm again slacking in the Physics makeup lecture... typing this post haha. :)
Oh, and Jasmine and Yiting presented todaes... haha nice effort Jas, too amusing for me, no matter what you do [like the broken wrist action], you always amuse me!!! xD
Ok thats all... haha till next time then!
elmo is cute
doraemon is cute
stitch is cute
fish is cute! (requested by B.X)
madonna is sexy and delicious and sticky and sweet and Hard like hard candy . ><
(Sorry I got an intruder in my blog> O.W.W.!!!!!!)
Ok, so for those of you who missed out the German Christmas Party, TOO BAD. After you guys left, the feast BEGAN. we baked our cookies[A HUGE heart with initials F.L. for Frau Lian, and a 'lol' looking snowman> its face was exactly like: "'-_- ] and had alot of christmas cookies: Gingerbread, vanilla, Gummi, Pretzels and lastly, brownies... that day was a really SWEET and STICKY day for me. I kept the FL cookie for Frau Lian, as she wasn't there due to a head-splitting headache, After the German quiz...
We had gone to N609 again for Trial session. I was LATE again, then we started doing the rest. In the end, my supposed moist peach filling bcame... dried off in the oven. But it was a good try for the apples though, just like MacDonald's apple pie filling, and the skin of the pancake as well... After the presentation, we tried some really weird food at another sensory evaluation session in the food labs. Fried milk samples and stick-like cereals samples and mango cookies samples... haha they tasted fantastic, especially the cereal sample. I was the last one to finish though...
then I'm again slacking in the Physics makeup lecture... typing this post haha. :)
Oh, and Jasmine and Yiting presented todaes... haha nice effort Jas, too amusing for me, no matter what you do [like the broken wrist action], you always amuse me!!! xD
Ok thats all... haha till next time then!
What a long time since i have UPDATED...
Hi, for all those who have been yearning to see my blog updated, well... i'm updating it again.

I SERIOUSLY promise i will write more OFTEN after this whole stress thing is over... but for now...
Ok, so during this period of MIA on my blog, its still the same as usual, like working on weekends and schooling on weekdays. I feel like the stress is catching up with me, and I have SERIOUSLY MORE PIMPLES on my face. I pray hard they would just go away and vanish.
So, now... I'm legally a member of the Sakuran Cultural Club as from November 08. Coz last time I was just kidding around, not into their meetings. I didn't know that I got kicked out of it, but after like one more bloody chance given, I am into the club again. I like drawing since I discovered my flair, so I just can't let it sink down into nothingness... So far I had been to 3 official meetings, drawing victorian style anime and watching a Jap film--> Howl's Moving Castle
and it was nice, since I Loved Spirited Away as well. and then, speaking of Jap...
I COULD cosplay as him!?

Marlene was like, topping up my Laptop with wallpapers of anime and game pictures. She was the one getting me addicted into KOF: MI2!!!!!!!!! OMG if she never played this game in front of me, I would have NEVER touched it, or become a game ADDICT. Now I miss it every Wednesday and Friday... ... like, Marlene!!!!!! Vera wasn't bad, considering that she taught me the Jibberian language: Jibberish
He's cool - Kyo Kusanagi - Dashing

'Hierasslunkslleessssellunkkoluckswodersesssschlunkerndatunk!' :for you, Vera!
Marlene made me Anime-otaku along with my interest in German myself... ... I luv Jap+Deutsch+English+Chinese now! Ok, but I lose to her more often, like hello, I am still an amateur... she freaking played for 8 years... dear me...
Sometimes we [Me, Marlene, Vera and Udo] would go Lun-nering (Lunch+Dinner) after Deutschunterricht, and go places like PepperLunch, Mos, Sticky Rice or Foodcourts to fill up our tummies... those were the times I felt like I was splurging on food... :) I am supposed to save up for a phone [W902 with 5mp cam and clear audio exp.], yet I still do this, and even top up like $5-$10 for Arcade sessions. Damnn it man, can anyone TEACH me how to control my spending?
And there was the COMM SKILLS PROPOSAL: Presentation...
I was too tied up with the proposal, but I managed to squeeze out time to go shopping with my mom and sis [Bugis] on a Friday.
We walked aroung BHG [BE HERE for GOOD THINGS, Bixue... :) ] then bought a pair of formal shoes ($49.00!!!). Shopped all the way to Bugis Street...
(My sis was like saying to me how dashing this counter man looked.... advertising for the Gucci fruit-shaped Perfume... ok, my sis has good taste at last, since i Have to agree he looks good. I laughed at my sis saying that he's still looking at her after we are going... HAHA!)
Then we saw clothings, but I wanted to rip out my heart, coz i saw pants that I could've bought for $15 instead of $29.90!!! Seriously I am GOING back to Bugis for those really nice apparel...
The Presentation was tense: I had only 50 odd minutes to ACTUALLY START doing a presentation... but anyway, I did it. >Its like... how you know that it is that 10minutes, and fate would have been decided regardless what you do now. and you would be thinking: GO FOR IT... just that 10 minutes, then it is all decided. This I cannot explain, its just some feeling that, at that instant moment you would think of it this way.
I got a B+ for my presenting skills, not bad after all!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo delighted,
but then I got fail for my Biostats quiz... :(
next would be the Phsics quiz... ugh i shudder thinking of it right now sia...
Things at Pepper Lunch waas normal, just that I was under the shadow from alot of things...
Well, New menu's price has overall increased, with a few minor changes...
No more beef Bolognaise Pasta, but Chicken Bolognaise Pasta w/ Sausage
Both Teriyaki Steaks come with egg
ALL menu item except Teriyaki Steak Sandwich are able to be taken away
ALL menu item except Teriyaki Steak Sandwich are able to be taken away
Small money increase in every thing sellable
No more cup-sized Pepper Rice
Yong Yu is now a SENIOR CAST! WTF, I can't tell if no one told me about it.
And YY has a GF... dots... that I find it weird... LOLs...
Anyway I get lesser Work hours every week... I want to work the whole day for Saturday, but ppl keep putting me at 5-11!!!!!
Not fair, its pathetic... I can accept Sundays for 6 hours, but on Saturday -> My earning day?! OMG I don't know the reason behind this... Weird sia...
But its facts ok, I am not cooking up things.
Maybe there Are really TOO many people working now, such that working hours have to be cut...
At this rate, I think I might just quit, coupled with the reason tt I can't cope.
working on weekends+Study+School!
I think its this oily and hot environment that makes my pimples explode out!!!
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Anyway, I shall post again around this weekend
[not so HARDWORKING at updatin blog EVERYDAY.]
Signing Off-Seeya!
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