So on Monday, I was at my Aunt's house. clearly slacking my ass off. I went to see a doc with her, and got medicine for my pimples problem... It cost S$95, for a cleanser, night cream, 2 bags of tablets and another scalp cream. Whew, I'm glad all that has been solved. From then, went shopping with my Aunt Jennifer, then went eating at Kovan... had breakfast earlier on, so managed to eat just plain non-spicy otah and shared some Peach Nata with my cousin. Then went to my Aunt's house to use comp and then had dinner.
Watched the 2hr special Little Nyonya, then went home, cause I had to take care of my sis the next day. If not for this I would have stayed at Jennifer's house liao... :( But reality is, well, real, so I just had to do that. Went home and SOMEONE happened to call me once in a blue moon. Wow, that person was none other than Lormee. not that bowl of runny noodles, but the human ya....Chatted lots about Facebook, and our pets from Pet Society [my pet is called Mur-hwee in the game].... damn I just wonder how my friends managed to chiong their pets till like, high level.... awww I shall never have that MUCH time to avtually do that sia.Then I bathed, and treated my face... before I just used the com to slack more time till 3 plus in the morning... Slept, and the next day I just woke, ate pills and brought my sis to my Da-yi for babysitting.
Went to Jessica's [Aunt 2] house and saw no one in the house, but the windows was wiide open. I did not bring my HP, so I BANGED the door, but no one freaking answered, so I went downstairs to West Plaza to find them. Found Jennifer and Xander [her son] instead, so went back to the Jess's Apt. FINALLY! Then we cooked dinner, and on Tuesday we had CABBAGE with SHRIMPS, Fried luncheon meat and ABC soup... simple but it tasted like heaven to us hungry rats. Watched the Little Nyonya then stayed at Jessica's house for the night. [I have a LUST for VINEGAR, and they happened to have a bottle of apple cider vinegar [Heinz], so during my stay, i used ALOT of it, in seaweed, noodles, crackers, and just sipping it plainly. Heard people said that having vinegar is good for the body, and since i LOVE it soooooo much, well... naturally I use it excessively.... :)]We cooked Tom Yum noodles after we bathed and cleaned ourselves [imagine 2 packets can be shared among us three], and had seriously hell fun with the webcam, making alien faces,,, :):):):):) Vivian, Sammi and I laughed like witches. :):):):):) [You should have seen the video... I have it in my com, but I promised them I won't just show it anyhow... hideous witches and freak babies]Slept at around 3 in the morning, and woke up in the night to erm..... *sheeeeesheeeee* several times.... then we slept till like, 12-1pm in the noon already.
Thus we had pancakes [it came in a bottled container, so that we just needed to add water, and nothing else. Shaking is required of course :)], with maple syrup, and cold ribena from the fridge, and the vegetable crackers [paprika flavour one, the ones I used to eat in lecture theatres :) ]. Then came Jennifer, scolding us the moment she entered the house about our bad habit: not washing the dishes... :( Our dinner on Wednesday consisted of a red carrot+radish soup, stir-fried long beans with pork, and omelette with ''cai po'' in it. Awwwwwwwww, the soup was so tasty and sooooooo sweet. It was 99.9% almost from the veggies themselves. During midnight, we again cooked noodles for a sinful supper, this time the korean kimchi noodles, but the exception was that I added the apple cider vinegar in my noodles. I can tell you I was shunned and scolded by my 2 cousins.... We also snuck some of the black pepper ham that Jessica bought for us the next day... into our STOMACH.
''Ewww, sick'' - Sammi
''F*** you, Kor, it stinks.'' - Vivian
And these were some of what they said to me. :) Oh, that's cousins for you.
The next day, we had Black pepper ham+bread toasted in an oven, and cappuccino in dainty little ceramic cups. Then Jennifer cooked macaroni with a chicken+meatball+fishball soup with prepared chilli padi for us to add. It's superb. Then it was time for me to go back home and accompany my mum.
The next day, we had Black pepper ham+bread toasted in an oven, and cappuccino in dainty little ceramic cups. Then Jennifer cooked macaroni with a chicken+meatball+fishball soup with prepared chilli padi for us to add. It's superb. Then it was time for me to go back home and accompany my mum.
I feel a little weird being away from home for more than 2 days, and this is the reason I hate myself for. But I don't know whether this is good or bad. Always when my Aunt tells me to stay [they are fun people, and they are not those traditionally-gossip-bothersome-strict-boring-lame-outdated-old-inclined aunts. They're fun.], I end up wanting to go home after 2 days. And my mum will give very little gestures that she doesn't want me to linger with my Aunts... some family problem, but still, I think my mum should accept them, not treat them as someone we have to avoid. Freaking hell, I feel stuck in between the relatives of my father's side and my mum's side. I HATE that feeling, I can't enjoy fully.... hai, that's life for you isn't it? It's not perfect at all.
LOL that was fun though. I shall update more of my life interesting moments in days to come :)
Seeya>Pics i took During my stay>>> [I know I am ZL, but I do have the right for that, right?]
Seeya>Pics i took During my stay>>> [I know I am ZL, but I do have the right for that, right?]

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