Hi there, I'm back, after a Complete day of enjoyment from ytd... apparently not for a very long time [since the previous weeks are all nothing but study, tutorials, forced-self-study times and common tests]. Hers's what happened on Friday...
Woke up at around 11.30am, when I should have been at the atrium waiting for my 2
imoto-tachi. Called Hui-chan to postpone the meeting to 1pm, but still only managed to reach there at 1.20pm. Oh my, I should really get rid of the tardiness in me by now.... something I wanted to rid myself of since young... hai... anyway, We window-shopped together for awhile, waiting for the student meal of Pepper Lunch to be activated at 2pm. Shopped in women's clothes shop, since my 2 sisters are just plainly girls in nature and I got dragged into it too. [like what do girls do when they go into places full of clothes shop?...] Hui-chan bought this tee from IPZ, but I wanted to buy the Jacket there as well... awwwwwwwwww its soooooooo cool [50% offer, but at $89, which is still $44.50... I can't SPLURGE NOW... no money as I have to depend on my salary for my living expenses.]
We then went Pepper Lunch, and had:
Me> (SM) Curry Cheese Beef PPR w/ Pepsi Cola
Imoto-tachi> (SM) Chicken PPR w/ (Iced Peach Tea)(Pepsi Cola)
Soft-serve Ice Cream> 3 Goma Ice cream, with sinful amounts of B.sesame sauce & sesame seeds
Chatted lots on our life again [in Jap-pop, Fashion and plain crap :) ], and then lingered for around 1/2 hour more. Then, we went to withdraw $$ for arcade spamming. Hui-chan and Yun-chan finally got NEW tapz cards [Grey Shade]. Too bad mine is green in colour... anyway, we simply LOVED the new machine in the Arcade> JuBeat... its like, an amazing game tt makes your fingers/palms go crazy over the 16 square butttons... haha I am naturally good in these type of games [Rockfever/ Guitar heroes/ DJ max]. Ah... simply great.
Then played House 4 for awhile, but died shortly even if i got an A for 2 Stages [There was an Indian girl tt did not know how to shoot zombies correctly, but Yun-chan corrected her anyway... and the 1st controller was spoilt, yet she reused the same controller for twice in a row till Yun-chan told her, or else she would've wasted $12...]. Then We KOF-ed for while [I practice real hard] then soon we were out of $$... an there we spent about until 6-8pm... Saw Ze Liang with his GF, but he only saw me when we passed each other. Then went to the techies shop on Lv 3, and lingered there for awhile. Discussed bout the earphones we might buy after chistmas... then we ate dinner [Yun-chan and I ate instant noodles, I drank collagen water, and Hui-chan ate a Cheeseburger w/ Coke] then crapped bout our new sis-bro relation... I can't stand it when the both of them acts like a childish Sister, and pulls at my shirt, and pouts and SQUEALS!!!! Arghhhh... After that we chatted lots on crap AGAIN... then Hui-chan had to go home. Went up to tha Arcade in Jubilee, and had a good time vs Marlene. NO ONE [for my characters] can beat her perkt-butt Ash Crimson.
X( its Just too difficult for me... I may be able to crush the other 2, but I'm sure I can beat him somedays. After that, we went home, and crapped about KOF on the way...
On the bus home, I saw MASHI and JIAN HAO walking together !!! They didn't see me, but I did. Anyway I went home for abit of rest, before I went out again at 11.30pm for a movie with PepperLunch cast. Saw Mashi and Jian Hao at the Arcade, then joined them for JuBeat AGAIN!!! :) Mashi's song sure rocked the three of us off!!!! After awhile, Don and Jen arrived, and we played DAYTONA like, together. I came in 4th!!! Such a bully sia... Then we arranged to sit together, and the rest turned up after awhile. We bought Popcorn and drinks [Don gave me the BOLT cup!!!], then went in to watch The Time Earth Stood Still at 1.20am.... NICE sia, the movie was so in depth, yet interesting at the same time. I especially loved the part where the scientist said:
"It is only at the last point of any kinds of crisis, that people or any civilisation truly evovle to greater beings [change for the better].
Your race also encountered the crisis of the dying of the sun [Klaatu's race], thus you evolved from this crisis and became what you are now.You say you want to save Earth from us, but I urge you to leave it to us to solve this problem, as your race has done it by itself. I believe that when we humans come to that point in crisis, we shall evolve and become greater being, and thus save this planet from total destruction."
Totally Cool in understanding about this phrase: "It is only at the last point of any kinds of crisis, that people or any civilisation truly evovle to greater beings [change for the better]. I thinkit is a very meaningful sentence. not sure if it is 100% exact from what I've heard, but the meaning is there. Think about it then, isn't it so correct about us humans? Extreme Change only at the critical point... After the movie, I went home at around 3am, walking with Mashi to check for Legendary Bus 6N. Mashi was unable to find such a rare bus then he went to Mas and planned to stay till the 1st bus arrives. I reached home around 4am then slept at 5am.... when i woke up, it was already 4 in the evening... what the hell, almost 12hours of sleep, and I feel certainly rejuvenated. Thats why I managed to churn out this post right? HAHA... I shall blog soon, when i have the time! Bye for now
P.S> Hey, check out my new tagboard/ cbox/ whateva you call it, and START TAGGING BEFORE YOU LEAVE TKS! :) - MurHwee/ Nii-Chan/ Mariam/ Murphy
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