I am finally able to breathe in a relaxed manner. For the past three consecutive days, I have been losing more sleep steadily. Time to catch it all back. Soon. And those juicy fruits and tanks of water, I need you guys. To help me fight off those bad-ass oils and fatty, sickening unwholesome diets I've been indulging recently. *Curse stupid exams really hard*
For God's sake, there's the realization of so many stuff needed to attend to, when exams force people to turn off towards games. I have been trying, and I did succeed partially, because what I only did do was to play Bejeweled Blitz. Awesome game, though it is noted '1 minute game', I don't know why it can stretch to nearly 15 minutes each time I start a game. Hehe, very addictive.
Besides the games on F.B to be managed and taken care of, there is still the GAGA-LLION images to upload. Don't worry, everything coming up on blog first, then on F.B, to whom they may concern.
Well, the summary of my three day-battling was simple: Day 1 was simply too unexpected. Current Trends came out for EVEN chapter 1&2, something really mundane to be tested on. W.T.F... then there's the cruel fact of heavy guesswork in that paper's M.C.Q.
O.M.G even though I calculated I can pass, that is certainly not what I WANT. L.O.L.
Second paper, Nutrition Science. Also very mad at this one. the moment I turned to page 1 of the questions (2 pages and a bit more) and was DAMN EXHILARATED. I memorized like crap for this one, and sure enough, I regurgitated out EVERYTHING in the lecture notes. Of course, I rephrased it. I ain't a kind of person who likes to follow blindly the notes okay...! Then proceeded to page 2, and I almost FAINTED. The questions were the exact (most) proportion of what I didn't have a chance to memorize it down. I crapped my way through page 2, cursing the plain fact of not studying more. A pass would be nice, but too bad for that A... F*** off.
Then today's paper. Safety and Quality. Got mixed feelings for this one. Didn't exactly know how good I did, since most of the concept behind the module is common sense. Logical answers. However, there's a higher amount of me worrying for the paper rather than confident. Screw that idiotic ISO law-like-memorization-facts which sucked to the max. If not I would have been more confident.
Many Sections... From C.N.Y spanning till I-don't-know-when-already. Have a good time looking at those photos, and if you spot yourself on candid, well... ... ... whatever. You're candid. H.A.H.A.H.A. ^^
The first 2 images are related to what I want to cosplay. Well, simply put, 愛染惣介のブリツ!!!

Delicious jar of cashews, waiting to be devoured. Coated in slight sugar.
Same delicious nuts of 'Happiness'.
Get that Kueh Bangkit OUT! NOW!!! Hungry!!!!
Check out whose legs are these, ya?
Perfect getaways from all those traditional snacks. Something my mum managed to buy.
Ha I feel so proud of buying these 60-bucks shoes. It fits comfortably, and I can ask for no less at the same time :-) They look damn cool and fitting on my feet, that's what I gotta say.
Check out my sister, listening to music at the bus stop, just before we head for steamboat on CNY Eve.
Okay, family photo 1. The best I think, cause of that lovely camera flash.
Okay, family photo 2.
Okay! Someone takes candid shotsss.
Hah! Three left-handers taking a pic together. 1 horse, 2 goats.
Look at how cute my grandma "Ah Mah" smiles ^^
Sister and mother . . .
Brother and mother . . .

Strange glasses which does not help in my vision.

YESH. Those good moments of slacking while heading to the steam boat is really memorable. I was at home dyeing my hair at the last minute la!!! Well, since there are only 3 bloody persons n the house, why not get the house cleaned up? So we did spring cleaning. Till I decided that it's best if I dye my hair on that day. I was worried about the end result, but after seeing the transformation myself, I was super satisfied. At least tons better than the help-me-finish-the-leftover-dye-on-your-hair-lah event. THAT, was disastrous, as said by some people. Wonder how long Men's Beauteen would last though. Thinking of trying out different colour by now, but imma sticking to the brown family.
Okay, I killed mum when I encouraged her to wear this killer heels on CNY. 2 and 1/2 inches, dang it. I was over-confident about her tolerance to heels. Same goes for my sister's wedges... 2 inches, what could I say than to say: 爱美本来就是痛苦的一件事。
WHOA. Is the sun directly behind me? LOL.
Okay, idiots who had nothing better to do than to wear a net (those used to hold mandarin oranges ,WASHED prior to wearing) and look maniacal and mental!!!!!!!! Even my poor sister is also dragged into that expression!!!
AH! Ju-On resides in my house. Haha joking only, it's actually my sis, who put too much talc on her face after a bath. she said she wanted to look at why we were laughing, so I took a picture, and she's shocked and giggled. X-)
Now now, who made that Vanilla Cone Float in NYP??? Hmmmmm. Definitely not me. I'm not so disgusting. Yet.
OKAY, must check this photo. Three little musketeers from ages ago. Found this photo at my other grandma's house.
L-R: Me, Sister Eunice, Brother Benjamin. Damn it, Ben looks like already like a psycho mental baby on the loose, equivalent to that of CHUCKY. My sis, got nothing to say, but theeeat EPIC expression. LOOOOOLZZZ.
WHOA. Is the sun directly behind me? LOL.
L-R: Me, Sister Eunice, Brother Benjamin. Damn it, Ben looks like already like a psycho mental baby on the loose, equivalent to that of CHUCKY. My sis, got nothing to say, but theeeat EPIC expression. LOOOOOLZZZ.
I CAN COOK OKAY! This nice dish on the wok is cooked ENTIRELY by yours truly. Special Dark Soya Sauce Chicken chunkies with sliced ginger, potato pieces and savoury thick sauce. I am really into cooking, just minus the fact that
Maybe I would make a good chef some other time in the future, who knows? Dip. In Food Science what. And I happened to be an F.S student who happens to love cooking AS MUCH AS EATING. XD
Okay, that's all. Super long post, but then again, you people survived till here!
お目でとございます!さよなら みんなさん。
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