January 10, 2010

OK, just finished work. Imma gonna start on my handwritten tutorial shortly. Well, after my FB daily maintenance. It's kinda like a daily ritual for me now, now that there are so many games I am playing right now. RC, FiV, HI, BB, FaV. . . . . .

Anyway its great to manage your time well. so that you won't be as clueless as an idiot. Not anymore, thanks to my trusted diary. I will manage my time well in future!

Just one day, and I'm starting to really miss jubeat! It's like, the best entertainment game I've ever played in my life, serious!

Must not splurge what I have left on arcade. Must see my budget before I buy anything! It's getting pretty frugal these few days. Alright, nothing to be embarassed about. It's good to be frugal sometimes. Think of the money you've splurged, and something in you definitely tells you its not a very good thing.

Arrgh, how am I going to buy my phone now?! It's kinda impossible for me to get the model I wanted. Sucks!

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