November 10, 2009

After a long time, I'm back to blogging.

Over the weekends, work was as usual, and I think I have witnessed very occasional mood swings that were swinging around Hougang PL. Heehee they should know who they are... ... I am determined to improve on my kitchen closing and dishing skills. Haha. LOL right?

Anyway, After the weekends ended, the pile of 3 untouched reports + projects presentation powerpoint + module blogging + assignments + tutorials on every single day I think. Well, I only have myself to blame for being so out of my timeline. Fuck it, Procrastination! Geroff my back will ya?! OMG. So far I only managed to barely finish one of the reports, I need to rush @ least one report and survey for presentation by today, or else I will kill myself, that's for sure. Oh, here goes my nourishing sleep -.-!!!

*Must be in timeline... ... must be in timeline... ... Must be in timeline... ...*

On the other hand, I am worried about how I am gonna survive the rest of the month. Yeah, AGAIN, as usual, when the mid-month comes. Must be frugal and spend only what I really need. Even though, NOTHING is stopping me from spamming arcade with Ma-re-ne imoto sama. Yesh, V-imoto san is opening up to arcade more and more often I see, and she's gonna follow out footsteps. Yeah!

*Must be in timeline... ... must be in timeline... ... Must be in timeline... ...*

OK, for now that's what I am going through right now. Just certainly pissed off at certain people for not being able to be more polite at talking, and as well as shooting people directly (when they know that people obviously know what you are talking about). Goodness, Imma doing the same now. I mean, if you're pissed off or under some stress or something like that, just say it out, and don't show it with your attitude towards friends ^^

I thought friends should be able to SHARE SECRETS, HIDE NOTHING from each other, TALK AND WORK together, CONFIDE with one another and most importantly to TRUST each other, not BACK STAB each other. Well, maybe I'm the only one, but then again, the worlld is compassionate after all. ^^

But its gonna be just a remark, nothing more than that.
(In case the sadistic spammer reads this and goes off saying how miserable people's life are. Pffffft off if you are there reading it, PASSERBY)

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