Ok, today was the best day since school reopened. Everyone was talking like a normal class. Whew, I thought we would never break the invisible barrier that had been bugging most of us classmates. Although so, I really loved the practical session today. Really the thing that made FS0803 seem closer (^ o ^)!!!
Yes. Yet another birthday celebration this month. So far it's the fourth and fifth one being held, two from work, one from famil, and two from friends (current)... ... Why are there so much October babies I wonder... ...
Anyway, we celebrated at AMK Hub, which was very enjoyable and peaceful for a Birthday celebration. After CCA (which was bloody fun surprisingly), we went straight, since it was like, already nearly 7pm!!!! ZOMG, but then again, remembering what happened at CCA, I think it was time well spent, and well worth the time. Tanoshi desho?! Now then I experience the joy of playing musical chairs in LARGE groups, like the majority of the SJCC newbies. Cool, trying to mingle around each other, and then rush to 'safety'... ...
We ate at Pepper Lunch, this time with my 50% staff discount voucher. Had a really enjoyable meal, and I succeeded into coercing Marlene to try NEW DISHES. I like Kuromitsu (Caramel) ice cream with EXTRA POWDER on it!!! It just tastes GREAT! Ok, Maybe I should just ignore Black Sesame flavour for this while.
When they both recieved their presents (either wrapped or unwrapped), I was just extremely satisfied with their expressions on their faces. Awwwwwwwww~ One was giggling like a mad and hilarious little school girl (Marlene) when she received the KOF Pillow we bought her (I chose it...), and the other was just smitten with her CD, staring at it like some love letter from someone (Vera with Michael Bublé: Crazy Love). Greeeeeeeeeat!
Pictures taken, and they shall not go to waste. Definitely! We then headed to the arcade for a final get-together time, at the Jubeat machine. Since it was a weekday, they had to close early, preventing us from spending loads. so after what seemed like, 4 games(among us), we left. Vera was definitely able to get better scores in Jubeat if not for her intention of making her gestures graceful. That stops her from getting better scores, seriously. Oh well, but she passed!!!! And, one thing as sure, that day's definitely not Jubeat-day for me. Was not up to standard la... ...
CHALET's Pictures were RELEASED TODAY BY ANNA! Thank god, for I shall let you readers enjoy (yet again for those who saw it before... ...)!
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