July 23, 2009

Seriously, is Life really that boring? I am in the midst of a bunch of guys that are practically filling the corridors with paper aeroplanes. How pathetically childish and immature can they get at Poly Life? I thouhgt I had seen the Worst when I knew Wan Wen and Bi Xue... ... but NO, someone is even more lamer than them.

Birdbrains, literally, trying to attract attention with stupidity. And they're really getting it for that. How do they act like immature retards, I wonder... ... Haha, anyway, they're gone right now, and I'm once again basked into peace and tranquility.

And Today, I saw them again. Just how many times do they wanna stay like this. And someone's been freaking me into an image 'rapist' of the internet. Literally, HQ pictures of Anime really drives me nuts, as my hands furiously clicks to download those nice ones. Nyeeeaaaahahahahah.

Oh yes, FYI, I am chionging my Restaurant city and Barn Buddy more than anything else (includes my dear Hweety in Pets Society).

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