March 30, 2009



Saturday was the best day of my previous week!!! No stress, no worries about being lectured, nothing UNPLEASANT ot be exact, hapened on that glorious day.


Although I was feeling guilty for being late for work for 1 Hour, I think LFZ was the ke lián one. Gomenasai, LFZ san. (^ . ^")

And a point to point out though: I FREAKING HATE the schedules that is planned for us nowadays. IT SUCKS BIG TIME. Fancy leaving only 2-3 crews [sometimes only junior cast] during some times, while the captain goes for a 2 HOUR BREAK, totally abandoning everything at Pepper Lunch. Not enough manpower, and this stresses and tires everyone OK. My goodness, I think if I were to keep up with the schedule and meet everyone's demands for help in like virtually every area, I would need to learn Kage-bunshin: Create copies of myself and send them to people in need of aid. Seriously, this is a very bad 'scheduler', Dammit. Lol.

And bad news: BATTERY RUNNING OUT. Gotta sum things up real quick.

Ok. Had fun with the preparations for Orientation 09, since I was in the registration group, turned up late, but managed to help really a lot in the preparations. Did some unpacking, and divided 4 big boards into roughly 20 equal boards, with help from Jeremy. Then proceeded to mark this mark that before we STAKED the boards onto bamboo poles. Sounds really Devilish and fun right? :) I dun really like someone, whom is apparently acting cool. Lol. He's really disgusting really, and I mean his attitude towards people by the way. Anyway, went out with Jeremy to window shop. Hahaha, had great fun walking along the streets of Orchard, then went to HMV. LOL, spotted MANY THINGS I WANTED to buy.

Then came today. I went to school this morning to make something. Great fun, and I'll reveal what is it actually. HAHAHA. The freshies, enjoy ar!


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