Okay bloghoppers. This has certainly been a busy week of 'mugging'. Yeah, Notice the highlight for mugging... Cause sometimes, I just feel that I'm spamming useless stuff / wasting my precious time on TV/FB/Eating/ Stoning. *Sighes* The problems of a daily average teenager... How I wish all these distractions vanish when we're supposed to study.
Anyway, I'm done with the common test, and things sure

do look hopeful enough for me to brush through it. Let's talk
about the possibility of grades I'll get, which is short and simple...
I'm actually quite confident most of them, so yea, I think average of C to B+ ??? I am hopeful!
Yes, Now to the exciting part: The Friday
'Come join the party, it's a celebration! (Everybody just wants to)
Let's get it started, no more hesitation! (Cause everybody wants to party with you)'
Celebration - Madonna
After the exams, we went straight for steamboat session! Just look at the related pictures to the right, and you'll see the nice, steaming, boiling pot of soup base looking menacing! Wow! Thinking bout it still makes

my mouth water like mad.
We had a mini present exchange, initially I got my own present. LOL! Then on our second attempt, I got Kai Ling's one, which happened to be a bit . . . girly?! OMG, but I accepted it despite their concerns. LOL, I swear I could feel the whole room of people STARING at me when all my friends LAUGHED and CHEERED when I wore that necklace. . . OK! We took some nice pictures as I had mentioned, go enjoy them, don't wish to lengthen.

Some pictures of Kai Ling seems to show that she loves to breathe in smoke like a fume hood, or like doing SPA LOL! XD
We went to the Arcade at the Bugis Junction, was crowded, saw the amount of ppl queueing up for Jubeat! It's scary, but then I thought again, and presumed it is just common sight nowadays. Just not my luck, but I queued up for one game anyway. Later on WW played Drum mania? OMG sooooooo lousy, I can vomit blood when I see her, HW and JK play together, AND FAIL! Seriously want to puke out my blood as I type LOL. XD Then I think is because they picked some songs anyhow, some which is really very difficult. BUT they cannot play it solo, for sure... heheheeeee! JK tried EmpressDX, and shouted so loudly, I thought she kena pinched or raped like that. What the~ After that YT left with BF, hai so cold-blanketed.Then we went to stroll around Bugis Street, till the time for ice cream desserts. WW and JK had no choice but to work at 5pm... so I went to eat with HW, KL and BX. Hahaha, 4 person still makes little difference ok, especially when I'm there! I can still bring up the mood hor! We still enjoyed so much at Bugis street! XD Anyway, we ordered Topless Eight, the extra 3 scoops due to Friend's special when WW and JK worked there. Yes, but still , there was the service charge and GST, so little difference, also reached nearly $11. LOL, definitely not eating that kind of stuff already. I am aiming for the Sundaesssss! Those are more worth it ok!Later part was the next segmental change in th
e day: From a clique into another. After everyone separated, I met up with XY and WH, and had dinner at the Food
Junction. LOL, someone was AGAIN coaxed into eating Pepper Lunch. Heeeeeeeeahahahaha! We finished eating, and then proceeded to the arcade to spam Jubeat, after which WH left near 9pm. Ok, This was the first time I got SSS! 980,000
points for a song or higher will give you that kind of
godly grade.
And I got it for this Cantonese CNY song LOL! This was a fine day to play Jubeat, and NOT KOF. Poor us two Marlene, we were both lethally thrashed by this seemingly innocent looking
boy. This boy was then, justifiably beaten by another pro. Serves you right, little meanie... But I got to admit that he's better than us. T______T That's all. It ends with a late dinner for me at Mos Burger. Strangely for some reason I cannot finish my fries.
Maybe I'm just worried over some little things. Hmmmm.
"Somehow, I feel more and more discouraged at work. Is it because I have not worked a lot recently, or is there some other reason? I am thinking, but
cannot find a definite answer. TO say that entirely other people being at fault sounds a bit too pushover. I think its due to the people I have to face at work. Some friends are really fine, but some . . . .
I don't think it's fair to be shown with a hostile attitude by a friend. Especially a close one. I know you understand what I mean, Mabel Chua. Hahaha. That's leaving a very weird and puzzled sensation when I was shown that attitude. I don't know why, it could be personal principles, but hey, I am your FRIEND, no need to treat me like as if you never
found friendship in me! What the?! I wouldn''t have given a damn about it if no one felt the same way as I
do. LUCKILY. Your attitude at work sometimes can really diss off many of your friends, INCLUSIVE of me. I hope it's just some misunderstanding, or else it can only get worse from here.
And so I don't really like that being shown at work, which is kinda mean and pissed-off. I HATE IT. Lol, I hope you know jolly well who the bloody hell you are. If you ever read my blog anytime near. No offence or underlying meaning, but its
just what I am feeling, that's all. I just hope you won't prove being true about what I say to you. I HOPE."
Kay, I said what I wanted to say, and I'm contented. Yeah!