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Hey, I am soooooooooooo glad the whole
But after my last paper, I somewhat had the feeling of boredom emerging within me. Guess it was due to those
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Enough of the crap, time to analyse what I MAY get for the exams:
CL1200 - Oganic Chemistry: C+ to B
CL1201 - Biochemistry: D to B
CL1503 - Physics for Food Science: D to C
CL1108 - Communication Skills: B+ to A
CL1103 - Cell Biology: B+ to A
CL1205 - Biostatistics: D to C
CL1504 - Project 1: C to B+
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So, after the last paper, Physics, I felt like I had lost really everything. Not materially, but emotionally for the exams. *Grabs a fully loaded shotgun and shoots myself in the brain*.
After that, we headed for the Arcade, me and my imoto-tachi, Ah Yun and Ah Hui. SPAMS ARCADE for like dunno how long, and I realised that I am seriously getting MORE and MORE BETTER at KOF nowadays!!!
*Inserts evil laughter and plans to kill off Ash Crimson's virtually unbeatable stylish arts/combos*
Yep, I know, but then its like I love those games requiring hands and coordination. I rock totally at the Taiko Drum thingy, I rock at JuBeat, and I rock at Rock Fever. Woohoo. Now I'm aiming for fighting games, >> KOF:MIA. I really enjoy cooperating with Ah Hui in the Taiko Drum, and I love to play KOF:MIA with Ah Yun. AND I BEAT AH YUN's SHOJO TEAM!!! YEAAAAA! WOOHOO! If I had ben abit more careful, I really would have smashed her dear hubby Ash in her classic best team, but as usual, she's UNRELENTING. Getting it? Haha, lol.
*Inserts random song with only "LOL" in lyrics*
I dislike people when they repay kindness with evil. Met arcade challengers [couple], and they politely requested if they could play with me. I agreed, but after their BUTTS sat on the damn chair, they get themselves glued to the seat, obviously wanting to KO me. In any case, I thought they were really KOF virgin players, so I let my guard down.
*Mind is thinking: Aiya, since people wanna play, why not be more compassionate to them?*
I hated this, and regretted letting my guard down and feeling sorry for them to have KO'ed them 2 times [could have been more, but I let Ah Yun play anyway]. They happened to really pick a really really gay character [Billy Kane, wields a CANE, whacks with a CANE.], and started mashing their controls like there was going to be a car-crash. Obviously, I was defeated like, in the blink of an eye, I lost. OUTRAGEOUS! HOW CAN I! Nanda?!?! How can a group of characters wielding nothing but fists survive a maniacal cane holder! But, anyway, they persisted, and Yun THRASHED THEM. I took part in the thrashing, and I won the girl's persistent and selectively dangerous Mai Shiranui character within a minute. *Teaches her a lesson, smirking*. And FYI, she just says: "Oh, I don't want to play anymore.", and walks off when she's tired of it. LOL! But she's really pretty and beautiful anyway, kudos to her man/ fiance/ BF. Really wish I could have been her BF instead. Haha, bit silly here.
I really think my Louis Meyrink fights alot better nowadays, and can attack like a swift butterfly. Her punches and kicks just seem to be fast, accurate and flowing! YATTA! Oh, as well as a new hot and cute girl I recently like using: ATHENA ASAMIYA!!! SHE's KAWAIIIIIIIII- Haha, and her combos are cool. I think I also like more characters nowadays, and I seem to have this ability to use any character efficiently. Cool, that is. Hyena, Kula Diamond, Maxima, Mai Shiranui, Ash Crimson, Lien Neville, all these are just some of my favourite random character. Lol. Just one problem though, I think I still have some problems with another hot girl I use: Xiao Lon. I can't seem to connect all her attacks in one complete flow.
Kuso-deyo, boku-wa ganbatte, ne?
*Brain: HAI!*
Anyway, be off for Sakuran CCA Leadership Training Camp, as well as the following Orientation '09 Leadership Training Camp few days after. Then, shall catch some movies, then go work!!! No money left for my daily expenditure, so how the
1. New Phone
2. More fashionable and appealing clothings
3. Arcade needs
4. Doctor medicine
5. Eating
6. Money for preparing for Poly schooling
7. Movies
8. Madonna Fandom needs
9. Shoes
10. Contact Lenses
Till then then, when I can truly acquire all these things. Sucks being poor sometimes, but at least there's the satisfaction gained from how I worked hard for it that makes me feel cherishable, rather than to own, but not realise how fortunate you are, and feel not much of a purpose. At least I AIM for these things, and the satisfaction gotten will be pleasing, like when I recently bought new earphones with imoto-tachi. I admit it feels bad sometimes, but well, I don't give a