Yo, for those of you who had been MISSING me,

I'M BACK (LOL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I have been speeding through work, till the point that I have forgetten to blog.
Don't Worry Ma'am and Sir and Missies and Marlene and Udo and Ernst, I will blog my fullest if I have the time and plus, internet.
So far about my life at Pepper Lunch, it's pretty simple, just working till I am totally oblivious to social interaction. There was a few times when Don found a few faults with me, but there was always no hard feelings after that. I remembered this incident whereby I witnessed Don in another sticky situation. A man complained that the pepper rice he ordered was simply too salty. Don offered to replace it immediately, but then the man thought Don was trying to sabotage him by putting extra salt in the rice. Don said she wouldn't have done it, besides, why would she do it for? Losing another customer?
Then after the man got his replacement [thankfully he didn't have any more trouble after that], and finished it, he went to the counter and apologised to Don if there was any misgivings between them. THEY EVEN SHOOK HANDS WITH DON! It's like, a beautiful story that has this 'happily-ever-after' anding to the whole incident. After that, I asked Don how she felt. She replied me that it feels great to win over difficult customers in sticky situations, and that it spurs her on in her job....
O.0 haha.
Oh, speaking about STICKY, My Pop Goddess has kicked off her tour: Sticky and Sweet Tour. She started off in, I think ... somewhere called the Golden Circle in Cardiff? Although her costumes are really nice, sexy and praise her looks, i still think some are a bit too... skimpy. It's alright to dress like that, but too much wouldn't be a nice thing right?
Her opener, Candy Shop, totally drives me crazy as her previous Finale in her Confessions Tour, Hung Up. She was like, sitting on this Throne-like chair on the stage, and she made her way to the frontline crowd. The dancing part where she sang'MY SUGAR IS RAW' totally rocks a million times! Then she just ... scolded a few times in vulgarity, but that proves she's being who she wants to be. Solid right? Yeah, She's HARD [Now, where you're thinking???].
Her pictures totally is like candy to my mouth: SwEeT GaLoRe! Here are some pics from her tour:
Human Nature [B. Spears appears via video backdrop]
My sugar is Raw.

glamorous pose during She's Not Me

So, I'm still waiting for the OFFICIAL version of the Tour... lets hope it can be PUBLISHED AND SOLD IN SINGAPORE!
oh Yeah, my results were out [long ago].
German: A!!!!
Inorganic Chemistry: B+
Microbiology for Food Science: B+
the rest I won't tell you, no point saying as its not that great...
"I can't believe it. I thought at most i will get a B"
And for my GPA: a meagre 2.904:-( NOT up to my expected GPA.
I just work like hell for the next semester for a 3.5 then :)