Here are some juicy cheeky pics they took of me on the chalet... :):) :0:0 :D:D
Ooops... hoho I realised i heaven't been posting juicy information about my life on my blog for a LONG time... lets begin from the day i went to the Secondary School class chalet on 11th June...
4E1 CLASS CHALET:> Okays... I woke up quite early on that day as I still needed to print some school stuff [MicroBio, IntroFS, InorganicChem & PhysicalChem... thats... little?]. I feel that printing my own notes will be more of a disadvantage...haha...
After that, i went to meet Jeremy & Darren Lee to go together to GIANT @ Pasir Ris... shocked me when the total price of the add-on chalet stuff was $70.47!!! W.T.F... then took taxi to nearby Coasta Sands resort, but SHAUN didn't say it was at the Downtown East so WE TRAVELLED ALL THE WAY INSIDE TO COASTA SANDS[w/o D.T.E] only to find out we have made a serious blunder. THEN WE TOTTERED with the insane piles of stuff we needed to carry and Back-tracked all the way to the confirmed location...
When we reached the Chalet entrance we tried getting one of the clasmates to fetch us and help with the burdens but we waited & waited... we just went in... sorry but even when we saw 2 classmates arriving to help, we did not say anything... just DAMN tired and FURIOUS with people for not planning ahead. Then when we finally came to the room, i was slightly disappointed at the sight that greeted me:
People just slacking in the small room.
No or minimal help offered to us.
Dirty environment which no one F**king BOTHERED to solve it.
Really, it was not entirely like a chalet at all. Not trying to offend people, but just something more about facts instead.
Let me ask a question:"What EXACTLY is a chalet outing?", or rather:
"What kind of activities should we do [& the way to do so] in a chalet outing?"
... let me guess, BBQ food, have a try in starting a fire, play games & bunk in together right? & how about the WAY to do so?
Of course, we BBQ FOOD OURSELF & NOT take the ones already COOKED FOR OTHERS right? not ALL THE TIME, I'm certain; sometimes its just polite to help a friend BBQ some as well. I hope you get what I am trying to say...
Games are a must in a chalet outing, but, NOT ALL THE TIME correct? yuppie.
Oh YES... the food was mouth-wateringly Delicious. I think i ate ALOT on the first day, not the second day though...and due to a reason I myself also do not know.
The experience in the BBQ with Jeremy[Hands-on], Darren[Bitchiness & Insane Laughter], Shaun[erm, organising the whole event], Denis[effort in FANNING the fire], was fantastic, as they were the ones whom, I believe, did MOST of everything regarding to the chalet along with me. :D[as for the others... ... no comments thanks :* ]Here are some juicy cheeky pics they took of me on the chalet... :):) :0:0 :D:D
A 3D2N event... and yet on the second day there was already close to no more food left! At the same time i balieve its the improper handling of storage of food. imagine otah left in the rain before keeping it & beehoon left exposed to air for too long!!!! yucks , as a Food Science student, it disgusts me about the fact that people can actually do things this way. And i don't even wanna say about the charcoal left in the rain AS WELL. This is certainly not what i have expected... anyway i did not have a comfortable night on the second night. Imagine the whole bed area fully colonised with people ... & i HAD to sleep on the TABLE like i had fallen asleep while studying... :(
soooooooooooooooooo uncomfortable i can tell you... this side of the face uncomfortable... then that part of the face later... must keep shifting face position... really i ... nvm...
on the 3rd day i went home early in the morning with Jeremy... sucks all the way back home... :(
ANYWAY... its an overall good experience of the chalet... with the exception that the food qty... i hope there's a BETTER one this December... :)SIGNING OFF!!!!!